.. UNRAVEL documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jun 4 17:52:09 2024. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. raw:: html .. raw:: html
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UN-biased high-Resolution Analysis and Validation of Ensembles using Light sheet images ======================================================================================= * UNRAVEL is a `Python `_ package & command line tool for the analysis of brain-wide imaging data, automating: * Registration of brain-wide images to a common atlas space * Quantification of cell/label densities across the brain * Voxel-wise analysis of fluorescent signals and cluster correction * Validation of hot/cold spots via cell/label density quantification at cellular resolution * `UNRAVEL GitHub repository `_ * `UNRAVEL can be installed via PyPI `_: ``pip install heifetslab-unravel`` * `Initial UNRAVEL publication `_ * UNRAVEL was developed by `the Heifets lab `_ and `TensorAnalytics `_ * Additional support/guidance was provided by: * `The Shamloo lab `_ * `The Malenka lab `_ * `The Stanford-based P50 center funded by NIDA `_ .. raw:: html
.. raw:: html Getting started --------------- * `Guide on immunofluorescence staining, iDISCO+, & lightsheet fluorescence microscopy `_ * :doc:`installation` * :doc:`guide` * :doc:`unravel/toc` UNRAVEL visualizer ------------------- * `UNRAVEL visualizer `_ is a web-based tool for visualizing and exploring 3D maps output from UNRAVEL * `UNRAVEL visualizer GitHub repo `_ * Developed by `MetaCell `_ with support from the `Heifets lab `_ .. raw:: html Contact us ---------- If you have any questions, suggestions, or are interested in collaborations and contributions, please reach out to us. Developers ---------- * **Daniel Ryskamp Rijsketic** (developer and maintainer) - `danrijs@stanford.edu `_ * **Austen Casey** (developer) - `abcasey@stanford.edu `_ * **MetaCell** (UNRAVEL visualizer developers) - `info@metacell.us `_ * **Boris Heifets** (PI) - `bheifets@stanford.edu `_ Additional contributions from ----------------------------- * **Mehrdad Shamloo** (PI) - `shamloo@stanford.edu `_ * **Daniel Barbosa** (early contributer and guidance) - `Dbarbosa@pennmedicine.upenn.edu `_ * **Wesley Zhao** (guidance) - `weszhao@stanford.edu `_ * **Nick Gregory** (guidance) - `ngregory@stanford.edu `_ Main dependencies ----------------- * `Allen Institute for Brain Science `_ * `FSL `_ * `fslpy `_ * `ANTsPy `_ * `Ilastik `_ * `nibabel `_ * `numpy `_ * `scipy `_ * `pandas `_ * `cc3d `_ * Registration and warping workflows were inspired by `MIRACL `_ * We warped this `LSFM/iDISCO+ average template brain `_ to Allen brain atlas space (CCFv3) and refined alignment. Support is welcome for ---------------------- * Analysis of new datasets * Development of new features * Maintenance of the codebase * Guidance of new users .. raw:: html
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: Contents: installation guide unravel/toc .. raw:: html
Indices ======= * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. raw:: html