Source code for unravel.cluster_stats.table

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Use ``cstats_table`` from UNRAVEL to summarize volumes of the top x regions and collapsing them into parent regions until a criterion is met.

    - This command is usually run via ``cstats_summary``.

    - CSVs with sunburst data for each cluster (e.g., cluster_`*`_sunburst.csv).
    - `*`cluster_info.txt in the parent dir (made by ``cstats_fdr`` and copied by ``cstats_org_data``).

    - A color-coded xlsx table summarizing the top regions and their volumes for each cluster.
    - A hierarchically sorted CSV with regional volumes for each cluster.

Sorting by hierarchy and volume:
Group by Depth: Starting from the earliest depth column, for each depth level:
   - Sum the volumes of all rows sharing the same region (or combination of regions up to that depth).
   - Sort these groups by their aggregate volume in descending order, ensuring larger groups are prioritized.

Sort Within Groups: Within each group created in step 1:
   - Sort the rows by their individual volume in descending order.

Maintain Grouping Order:
   - As we move to deeper depth levels, maintain the grouping and ordering established in previous steps (only adjusting the order within groups based on the new depth's aggregate volumes).

    - CCFv3-2020_info.csv is in UNRAVEL/unravel/core/csvs/
    - It has columns: structure_id_path,very_general_region,collapsed_region_name,abbreviation,collapsed_region,other_abbreviation,other_abbreviation_defined,layer,sunburst
    - Alternatively, use CCFv3-2017_info.csv or provide a custom CSV with the same columns.

    cstats_table [-vcd <val_clusters_dir>] [-t <number of top regions>] [-pv <perecent volume criterion>] [-csv CCFv3-2020_info.csv] [-rgb sunburst_RGBs.csv] [-v]

import openpyxl
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows
from openpyxl.styles import Border, Side, Font, Alignment
from rich import print
from rich.traceback import install

from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM

from unravel.core.config import Configuration
from unravel.core.utils import log_command, verbose_start_msg, verbose_end_msg

[docs] def parse_args(): parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__) opts = parser.add_argument_group('Optional args') opts.add_argument('-vcd', '--val_clusters_dir', help='Path to the valid_clusters dir output from unravel.cluster_stats.index (else cwd)', action=SM) opts.add_argument('-t', '--top_regions', help='Number of top regions to output. Default: 4', default=4, type=int, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-pv', '--percent_vol', help='Percentage of the total volume the top regions must comprise [after collapsing]. Default: 0.8', default=0.8, type=float, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-csv', '--info_csv_path', help='CSV name or path/name.csv. Default: CCFv3-2020_info.csv', default='CCFv3-2020_info.csv', action=SM) opts.add_argument('-rgb', '--sunburst_rgbs', help='CSV name or path/name.csv. Default: sunburst_RGBs.csv', default='sunburst_RGBs.csv', action=SM) general = parser.add_argument_group('General arguments') general.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. Default: False', action='store_true', default=False) return parser.parse_args()
# TODO: Correct font color for the volumes column. 'fiber tracts' is filled with white rather than the color of the fiber tracts # TODO: 'CUL4, 5' is not filled with the color of the region.
[docs] def fill_na_with_last_known(df): depth_columns = [col for col in df.columns if 'Depth' in col] # Fill NaN with the last known non-NaN value within each row for depth columns df_filled = df.copy() df_filled[depth_columns] = df_filled[depth_columns].fillna(method='ffill', axis=1) return df_filled
[docs] def sort_sunburst_hierarchy(df): """Sort the DataFrame by hierarchy and volume.""" depth_columns = [col for col in df.columns if 'Depth' in col] volume_column = 'Volume_(mm^3)' # For each depth, process groups and sort for i, depth in enumerate(depth_columns): # Temporary DataFrame to hold sorting results for each depth sorted_partial = pd.DataFrame() # Identify unique groups (rows) up to the current depth (e.g, if Depth_2, then root, grey, CH) unique_groups = df[depth_columns[:i + 1]].drop_duplicates() for _, group_values in unique_groups.iterrows(): # Filter rows belonging to the current group mask = (df[depth_columns[:i + 1]] == group_values).all(axis=1) # Boolean series to check which rows == group_values group_df = df[mask].copy() # Apply mask to df to get a df for each group (copy to avoid SettingWithCopyWarning) # Calculate aggregate volume for the group and add it as a new column group_df.loc[:, 'aggregate_volume'] = group_df[volume_column].sum() # Sort the group by individual volume group_df = group_df.sort_values(by=[volume_column], ascending=False) # Append sorted group to the partial result sorted_partial = pd.concat([sorted_partial, group_df], axis=0) # Replace df with the sorted_partial for the next iteration df = sorted_partial.drop(columns=['aggregate_volume']) return df
[docs] def undo_fill_with_original(df_sorted, df_original): # Ensure the original DataFrame has not been altered; otherwise, use a saved copy before any modifications depth_columns = [col for col in df_original.columns if 'Depth' in col] # Use the index to replace filled values with original ones where NaN existed for column in depth_columns: df_sorted[column] = df_original.loc[df_sorted.index, column] # Use the index to replace filled values with original ones where NaN existed return df_sorted
[docs] def can_collapse(df, depth_col): """ Determine if regions in the specified depth column can be collapsed. Returns a DataFrame with regions that can be collapsed based on volume and count criteria. """ volume_column = 'Volume_(mm^3)' # Group by the parent region and aggregate both volume and count (.e.g, if a parent has 3 children, the count is 3) subregion_aggregates = df.groupby(depth_col).agg({volume_column: ['sum', 'count']}) subregion_aggregates.columns = ['Volume_Sum', 'Count'] # Adjust the condition to check for both a volume threshold and a minimum count of subregions pooling_potential = subregion_aggregates[(subregion_aggregates['Volume_Sum'] > 0) & (subregion_aggregates['Count'] > 1)] return pooling_potential # DataFrame with regions that can be collapsed based on volume and count criteria (Depth_*, Volume_Sum, Count)
[docs] def collapse_hierarchy(df, verbose=False): volume_column = 'Volume_(mm^3)' depth_columns = [col for col in df.columns if 'Depth' in col] for depth_level in reversed(range(len(depth_columns))): depth_col = depth_columns[depth_level] if depth_level == 0: break # Stop if we're at the top level # Identify regions that can be collapsed into their parent collapsible_regions = can_collapse(df, depth_col) # If collapsible_regions is not empty, proceed with collapsing if not collapsible_regions.empty: # For each collapsible region name, get the name and the aggregate volume for region, row in collapsible_regions.iterrows(): aggregated_volume = row['Volume_Sum'] # Collapse rows containing the region name and set the volume to the aggregate volume df.loc[df[depth_col] == region, volume_column] = aggregated_volume # Set the child region name to NaN in the depth column using the depth level child_depth_col = depth_columns[depth_level + 1] df.loc[df[depth_col] == region, child_depth_col] = np.nan # Also set any subsequent depth columns to NaN for subsequent_depth_col in depth_columns[depth_level + 2:]: df.loc[df[depth_col] == region, subsequent_depth_col] = np.nan # Remove duplicate rows for the collapsed region df = df.drop_duplicates() return df
[docs] def calculate_top_regions(df, top_n, percent_vol_threshold, verbose=False): """ Identify the top regions based on the dynamically collapsed hierarchy, ensuring they meet the specified percentage volume criterion. :param df_collapsed: DataFrame with the hierarchy collapsed where meaningful. :param top_n: The number of top regions to identify. :param percent_vol_threshold: The minimum percentage of total volume these regions should represent. :return: DataFrame with the top regions and their volumes if the criterion is met; otherwise, None. """ # Get the total volume total_volume = df['Volume_(mm^3)'].sum() # Get top regions df_sorted = df.sort_values(by='Volume_(mm^3)', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) top_regions_df = df_sorted.head(top_n) # Sum the volumes of the top regions top_regions_volume = top_regions_df['Volume_(mm^3)'].sum() # Calculate the percentage of the total volume the top regions represent percent_vol = top_regions_volume / total_volume # Check if the top regions meet the percentage volume criterion if percent_vol >= percent_vol_threshold: return top_regions_df else: return None
[docs] def get_top_regions_and_percent_vols(sunburst_csv_path, top_regions, percent_vol, verbose=False): df = pd.read_csv(sunburst_csv_path) # Check if the DataFrame is empty print a message and return if df.empty: print(f'\n{sunburst_csv_path} is empty. Exiting...') import sys ; sys.exit() # Fill NaN values in the original DataFrame df_filled_na = fill_na_with_last_known(df.copy()) # Sort the DataFrame by hierarchy and volume df_filled_sorted = sort_sunburst_hierarchy(df_filled_na) # Undo the fill with the original values df_final = undo_fill_with_original(df_filled_sorted, df) # Save the sorted DataFrame to a new CSV file sorted_parent_path = sunburst_csv_path.parent / '_sorted_sunburst_CSVs' sorted_parent_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) sorted_csv_name = str('sunburst.csv', 'sunburst_sorted.csv') df_final.to_csv(sorted_parent_path / sorted_csv_name, index=False) # Attempt to calculate top regions, collapsing as necessary criteria_met = False while not criteria_met: top_regions_df = calculate_top_regions(df_final, top_regions, percent_vol, verbose) if top_regions_df is not None and not top_regions_df.empty: # If top regions are found criteria_met = True # If a top region contributes to less than 1% of the total volume, remove it total_volume = df_final['Volume_(mm^3)'].sum() top_regions_df = top_regions_df[top_regions_df['Volume_(mm^3)'] / total_volume > 0.01] # Initialize lists to hold the top region names and their aggregate volumes top_region_names_and_percent_vols = [] # For each top region, get the region name and the aggregate volume for i, row in top_regions_df.iterrows(): # Get the highest depth region name that is not NaN row_wo_volume = row[:10] region_name = row_wo_volume[::-1].dropna().iloc[0] # Calculate the percentage of the total volume the top regions represent aggregate_volume = row['Volume_(mm^3)'] percent_vol = round(aggregate_volume / total_volume * 100) # Append the region name and the percentage volume to the list top_region_names_and_percent_vols.append(f'{region_name} ({percent_vol}%)') # Save the top regions DataFrame to a new CSV file top_regions_parent_path = sunburst_csv_path.parent / '_top_regions_for_each_cluster' top_regions_parent_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) top_regions_csv_name = str('sunburst.csv', 'sunburst_top_regions.csv') top_regions_df.to_csv(top_regions_parent_path / top_regions_csv_name, index=False) else: # Attempt to collapse the hierarchy further df_final = collapse_hierarchy(df_final, verbose) if df_final.empty: break # Exit if no further collapsing is possible return top_region_names_and_percent_vols, total_volume
# Function to create fill color based on the volume
[docs] def get_fill_color(value, max_value): # Apply a log transform to the volume to enhance visibility of smaller values # Adding 1 to the value to avoid log(0), and another 1 to max_value to ensure the max_value maps to 1 after log transform log_transformed_value = math.log10(value + 1) log_transformed_max = math.log10(max_value + 1) normalized_value = log_transformed_value / log_transformed_max # Convert to a scale of 0-255 (for RGB values) rgb_value = int(normalized_value * 255) # Create fill color as a hex string fill_color = f"{rgb_value:02x}{rgb_value:02x}{rgb_value:02x}" # Set the font color to black if the fill color is light (more than 127 in RGB scale), otherwise white font_color = "000000" if rgb_value > 127 else "FFFFFF" return fill_color, font_color
[docs] @log_command def main(): install() args = parse_args() Configuration.verbose = args.verbose verbose_start_msg() # Find cluster_* dirs in the current dir valid_clusters_dir = Path(args.val_clusters_dir) if args.val_clusters_dir else Path.cwd() cluster_sunburst_csvs = valid_clusters_dir.glob('cluster_*_sunburst.csv') # Remove directories from the list cluster_sunburst_csvs = [f for f in cluster_sunburst_csvs if f.is_file()] # Generate dynamic column names based on args.top_regions column_names = ['Cluster'] + ['Volume'] + ['CoG'] + ['~Region'] + ['ID_Path'] + [f'Top_Region_{i+1}' for i in range(args.top_regions)] # Load the *cluster_info.txt file from the parent dir to get the cluster Centroid of Gravity (CoG) cluster_info_txt_parent = Path(args.val_clusters_dir).parent if args.val_clusters_dir else Path.cwd() cluster_info_files = list(cluster_info_txt_parent.glob('*cluster_info.txt')) # If no cluster_info.txt file is found, search in the grandparent dir, and exit if not found if not cluster_info_files: # Check for it in the grandparent dir cluster_info_txt_grandparent = cluster_info_txt_parent.parent cluster_info_files = list(cluster_info_txt_grandparent.glob('*cluster_info.txt')) if not cluster_info_files: print(f'\n [red]No *cluster_info.txt file found in {cluster_info_txt_parent}. Exiting...') return cluster_info_file = cluster_info_files[0] # first match # Load the cluster info file cluster_info_df = pd.read_csv(cluster_info_file, sep='\t', header=None) # Assuming tab-separated values; adjust if different # Reverse the row order of only the first column (excluding the header) first_column_name = cluster_info_df.columns[0] reversed_data = cluster_info_df[first_column_name].iloc[1:].iloc[::-1].reset_index(drop=True) # Reverse the data new_first_column = pd.concat([cluster_info_df[first_column_name].iloc[:1], reversed_data]) # Concat header w/ reversed data cluster_info_df[first_column_name] = new_first_column.values # Assign the new column back to the DataFrame # Get the CoG for each cluster (values in last three columns of each row) CoGs = cluster_info_df.iloc[:, -3:].values # Convert to this format: 'x,y,z' CoGs = [','.join(map(str, CoG)) for CoG in CoGs] # Create a dict w/ the first column as keys and the CoG as values cluster_CoGs = dict(zip(cluster_info_df[first_column_name], CoGs)) # Create an empty DataFrame with the column names top_regions_and_percent_vols_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=column_names) # Specify the column names you want to load columns_to_load = ['abbreviation', 'general_region', 'structure_id_path'] # Load the specified columns from the CSV with CCFv3 info if args.info_csv_path == 'CCFv3-2017_info.csv' or args.info_csv_path == 'CCFv3-2020_info.csv': ccfv3_info_df = pd.read_csv(Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'core' / 'csvs' / args.info_csv_path, usecols=columns_to_load) else: ccfv3_info_df = pd.read_csv(args.info_csv_path, usecols=columns_to_load) # For each cluster directory for cluster_sunburst_csv in cluster_sunburst_csvs: # Get the cluster number from the file name 'cluster_*_sunburst.csv' cluster_num = str('_')[1] # Get the CoG string for the current cluster from the dictionary cog_string = cluster_CoGs.get(cluster_num) if cluster_CoGs.get(cluster_num) else "Not found" # Get the top regions and their percentage volumes for the current cluster top_regions_and_percent_vols, cluster_volume = get_top_regions_and_percent_vols(cluster_sunburst_csv, args.top_regions, args.percent_vol, args.verbose) # Get the top region top_region = top_regions_and_percent_vols[0].split(' ')[0] # Lookup the general_regio and structure_id_path in the DataFrame using the abbreviation for the top region general_region = ccfv3_info_df.loc[ccfv3_info_df['abbreviation'] == top_region, 'general_region'].values id_path = ccfv3_info_df.loc[ccfv3_info_df['abbreviation'] == top_region, 'structure_id_path'].values # Since there could be multiple matches, we take the first one or a default value if not found general_region = general_region[0] if len(general_region) > 0 else "General region not found" id_path = id_path[0] if len(id_path) > 0 else "ID path not found" # Ensure the list has the exact number of top regions (pad with None if necessary) padded_top_regions = (list(top_regions_and_percent_vols) + [None] * args.top_regions)[:args.top_regions] # Prepare the row data, including placeholders for 'Volume', 'CoG', '~Region', and top regions row_data = [cluster_num, cluster_volume, cog_string, general_region, id_path] + padded_top_regions # Ensure column_names matches the structure of row_data column_names = ['Cluster', 'Volume', 'CoG', '~Region', 'ID_Path'] + [f'Top_Region_{i+1}' for i in range(args.top_regions)] # Create a temporary DataFrame for the current cluster's data temp_df = pd.DataFrame([row_data], columns=column_names) # Concatenate the temporary DataFrame with the main DataFrame top_regions_and_percent_vols_df = pd.concat([top_regions_and_percent_vols_df, temp_df], ignore_index=True) # Sort the DataFrame by the 'ID_Path' column in descending order top_regions_and_percent_vols_df = top_regions_and_percent_vols_df.sort_values(by='ID_Path', ascending=False) # Drop the 'ID_Path' column top_regions_and_percent_vols_df = top_regions_and_percent_vols_df.drop(columns=['ID_Path']) # Convert the 'Volume' column to 4 decimal places top_regions_and_percent_vols_df['Volume'] = top_regions_and_percent_vols_df['Volume'].round(4) print(f'\nThe top regions and their percentage volumes for each cluster:') print(f'\n{top_regions_and_percent_vols_df.to_string(index=False)}\n') # Load csv with RGB values if args.sunburst_rgbs == 'sunburst_RGBs.csv': sunburst_RGBs_df = pd.read_csv(Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'core' / 'csvs' / 'sunburst_RGBs.csv', header=None) else: sunburst_RGBs_df = pd.read_csv(args.sunburst_rgbs, header=None) # Parse the dataframe to get a dictionary of region names and their corresponding RGB values rgb_values = {} for index, row in sunburst_RGBs_df.iterrows(): # Format is 'region_name: rgb(r,g,b)' region, rgb = row[0].split(': rgb(') r, g, b = map(int, rgb.strip(')').split(',')) rgb_values[region] = (r, g, b) # Create an Excel workbook and select the active worksheet wb = openpyxl.Workbook() ws = thin_border = Border(left=Side(style='thin'), right=Side(style='thin'), top=Side(style='thin'), bottom=Side(style='thin')) # Write each row of the DataFrame to the worksheet and color cells for the top regions for region in dataframe_to_rows(top_regions_and_percent_vols_df, index=False, header=True): ws.append(region) for i in range(args.top_regions): # Find the region name without the percentage to match the RGB values top_region_column_num = 4 + i region_key = None if region[top_region_column_num] is not None: region_key = region[top_region_column_num].split(' ')[0] # Apply the color to the cell if it matches one of the RGB values if region_key in rgb_values: # Convert the RGB to a hex string rgb = rgb_values[region_key] hex_color = "{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) fill = PatternFill(start_color=hex_color, end_color=hex_color, fill_type='solid') top_region_column_num = 5 + i ws.cell(row=ws.max_row, column=top_region_column_num).fill = fill ws.cell(row=ws.max_row, column=top_region_column_num).border = thin_border elif region_key is None: hex_color = "{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(100, 100, 100) # Grey fill = PatternFill(start_color=hex_color, end_color=hex_color, fill_type='solid') top_region_column_num = 5 + i ws.cell(row=ws.max_row, column=top_region_column_num).fill = fill ws.cell(row=ws.max_row, column=top_region_column_num).border = thin_border # Insert a new row at the top ws.insert_rows(1) # Insert a new column at the left ws.insert_cols(1) # Adjust the column width to fit the content for col in ws.columns: max_length = 0 for cell in col: if cell.value: max_length = max(max_length, len(str(cell.value))) if max_length > 0: adjusted_width = max_length + 2 # Add 2 for a little extra padding column_letter = openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(col[0].column) ws.column_dimensions[column_letter].width = adjusted_width # Fill cells in first column with white for cell in ws['A']: cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color='FFFFFF', end_color='FFFFFF', fill_type='solid') # Fill cells in ninth column with white column = 6 + args.top_regions for cell in ws[get_column_letter(column)]: cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color='FFFFFF', end_color='FFFFFF', fill_type='solid') # Fill cells in first row with white for cell in ws[1]: cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color='FFFFFF', end_color='FFFFFF', fill_type='solid') # Fill cells in last row with white num_rows = top_regions_and_percent_vols_df.shape[0] + 3 for cell in ws[num_rows]: cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color='FFFFFF', end_color='FFFFFF', fill_type='solid') # Center align the content for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=1, min_col=1): for cell in row: cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center') # Format column C such that the brightness of the fill is proportional to the volume / total volume and the text brightness is inversely proportional to the fill brightness # total_volume = top_regions_and_percent_vols_df['Volume'].sum() volumes = top_regions_and_percent_vols_df['Volume'].tolist() max_volume = max(volumes) # The largest volume for row, volume in enumerate(volumes, start=3): # Starting from row 3 (C3) # Calculate the color based on the volume fill_color, font_color = get_fill_color(volume, max_volume) # Get the cell at column C and the current row cell = ws.cell(row=row, column=3) # Column 3 corresponds to column C # Set the fill color based on the calculated brightness cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color=fill_color, end_color=fill_color, fill_type="solid") # Set the font color based on the inverse of the fill color's brightness cell.font = Font(color=font_color) # Apply a thin border style to cells with content for row in ws.iter_rows(): for cell in row: if cell.value: # If the cell has content cell.border = thin_border cell.font = Font(name='Arial', size=11) # Apply the font to the header row header_font = Font(name='Arial', bold=True) for cell in ws['2:2']: cell.font = header_font # Make column B bold for cell in ws['B']: cell.font = Font(name='Arial', bold=True) # Additional step to ensure cells from column F onwards are black for row in ws.iter_rows(min_col=6): for cell in row: if cell.font: # If the cell already has font settings applied cell.font = Font(name='Arial', size=cell.font.size, bold=cell.font.bold, color='FF000000') else: cell.font = Font(name='Arial', color='FF000000') # Iterate through the cells and merge cells with the same value in column 5 current_region = None first_row = None # Adjusted min_row to 2 and min_col/max_col to merge_column because of the added padding row and column merge_column = 5 for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row - 1, min_col=merge_column, max_col=merge_column): cell = row[0] # row[0] since we're only looking at one column, and iter_rows yields tuples if cell.value != current_region: # If the cell value changes, merge the previous cells if there are more than one with the same value if first_row and first_row < cell.row - 1: ws.merge_cells(start_row=first_row, start_column=merge_column, end_row=cell.row - 1, end_column=merge_column) # Update the current region and reset the first_row to the current cell's row current_region = cell.value first_row = cell.row # After the loop, check and merge the last set of cells if needed if first_row and first_row < ws.max_row: ws.merge_cells(start_row=first_row, start_column=merge_column, end_row=ws.max_row - 1, end_column=merge_column) for cell in ws['E']: cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center') # Save the workbook to a file excel_file_path = valid_clusters_dir / f'{}_valid_clusters_table.xlsx' print(f"Excel file saved at {excel_file_path}") print(f"\nBrighter cell fills in the 'Volume' column represent larger volumes (log(10) scaled and normalized to the max volume).") # Get the anatomically sorted list of cluster IDs and save it to a .txt file valid_cluster_ids = top_regions_and_percent_vols_df['Cluster'].tolist() valid_cluster_ids_str = ' '.join(map(str, valid_cluster_ids)) + '\n' with open(valid_clusters_dir / 'valid_cluster_IDs_sorted_by_anatomy.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(valid_cluster_ids_str) verbose_end_msg()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()