Source code for unravel.core.img_io

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This module contains functions for loading and saving 3D images.

Main Functions:
- load_3D_img: Load a 3D image from a .czi, .nii.gz, or .tif series and return the ndarray.
- save_3D_img: Save a 3D image as a .nii.gz, .tif series, .h5, or .zarr file.

Helper Functions:
- extract_resolution
- load_image_metadata_from_txt
- save_metadata_to_file
- metadata
- return_3D_img

import re
import cv2 
import dask.array as da
import h5py
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import tifffile
import zarr
from aicspylibczi import CziFile
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from glob import glob
from lxml import etree
from pathlib import Path
from rich import print
from tifffile import imwrite 

from unravel.core.utils import print_func_name_args_times

# Load 3D image (load_3D_img()), get/save metadata, and return ndarray [with metadata]
# TODO: Create save_3D_img() function for saving 3D images in various formats. 
# TODO: save_as_nii() add logic for using the reference image for dtype (e.g., if reference is provided and dtype is None, use reference dtype)

[docs] def return_3D_img(ndarray, return_metadata=False, return_res=False, xy_res=None, z_res=None, x_dim=None, y_dim=None, z_dim=None): """ Return the 3D image ndarray and optionally resolutions (xy_res, z_res) or metadata (xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim). Parameters ---------- ndarray : ndarray The 3D image array. return_metadata : bool, optional Whether to return metadata. Default is False. return_res : bool, optional Whether to return resolutions. Default is False. xy_res : float, optional The resolution in the xy-plane. z_res : float, optional The resolution in the z-plane. x_dim : int, optional The size of the image in the x-dimension. y_dim : int, optional The size of the image in the y-dimension. z_dim : int, optional The size of the image in the z-dimension. Returns ------- ndarray The 3D image array. tuple, optional If return_res is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res). tuple, optional If return_metadata is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim). """ if return_metadata: return ndarray, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim elif return_res: return ndarray, xy_res, z_res return ndarray
[docs] def metadata(file_path, ndarray, return_res=False, return_metadata=False, xy_res=None, z_res=None, save_metadata=None): """ Extract and handle metadata, including saving to a file if requested. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the image file. ndarray : ndarray The 3D image array. return_res : bool, optional Whether to return resolutions. Default is False. return_metadata : bool, optional Whether to return metadata. Default is False. xy_res : float, optional The resolution in the xy-plane. z_res : float, optional The resolution in the z-plane. save_metadata : str, optional Path to save metadata file. Default is None. Returns ------- tuple Returns (xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim). """ x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = None, None, None if return_res or return_metadata: if xy_res is None and z_res is None: xy_res, z_res = extract_resolution(file_path) x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = ndarray.shape if save_metadata: save_metadata_to_file(xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, save_metadata=save_metadata) return xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim
[docs] def extract_resolution(img_path): """ Extract resolution from image metadata. Parameters ---------- img_path : str The path to the image file. Returns ------- tuple Returns (xy_res, z_res) in microns. """ xy_res, z_res = None, None if str(img_path).endswith('.czi'): czi = CziFile(img_path) xml_root = czi.meta scaling_info = xml_root.find(".//Scaling") xy_res = float(scaling_info.find("./Items/Distance[@Id='X']/Value").text) * 1e6 z_res = float(scaling_info.find("./Items/Distance[@Id='Z']/Value").text) * 1e6 elif str(img_path).endswith('.ome.tif') or str(img_path).endswith('.tif'): with tifffile.TiffFile(img_path) as tif: meta = tif.pages[0].tags ome_xml_str = meta['ImageDescription'].value ome_xml_root = etree.fromstring(ome_xml_str.encode('utf-8')) default_ns = ome_xml_root.nsmap[None] pixels_element = ome_xml_root.find(f'.//{{{default_ns}}}Pixels') xy_res = float(pixels_element.get('PhysicalSizeX')) z_res = float(pixels_element.get('PhysicalSizeZ')) elif str(img_path).endswith('.nii.gz'): nii = nib.load(img_path) res = nii.header.get_zooms() # (x, y, z) in mm xy_res = res[0] * 1000 # Convert from mm to um z_res = res[2] * 1000 elif str(img_path).endswith('.h5'): with h5py.File(h5py, 'r') as f: full_res_dataset_name = next(iter(f.keys())) # Assumes that full res data is 1st in the dataset list print(f"\n Loading HDF5 dataset: {full_res_dataset_name}\n") dataset = f[full_res_dataset_name] res = dataset.attrs['element_size_um'] # z, y, x voxel sizes in microns (ndarray) xy_res = res[1] z_res = res[0] return xy_res, z_res
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def load_czi(czi_path, channel=0, desired_axis_order="xyz", return_res=False, return_metadata=False, save_metadata=None, xy_res=None, z_res=None): """ Load a .czi image and return the ndarray. Parameters ---------- czi_path : str The path to the .czi file. channel : int, optional The channel to load. Default is 0. desired_axis_order : str, optional The desired order of the image axes. Default is 'xyz'. return_res : bool, optional Whether to return resolutions. Default is False. return_metadata : bool, optional Whether to return metadata. Default is False. save_metadata : str, optional Path to save metadata file. Default is None. xy_res : float, optional The resolution in the xy-plane. z_res : float, optional The resolution in the z-plane. Returns ------- ndarray The loaded 3D image array. tuple, optional If return_res is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res). tuple, optional If return_metadata is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim). """ czi = CziFile(czi_path) ndarray = np.squeeze(czi.read_image(C=channel)[0]) ndarray = np.transpose(ndarray, (2, 1, 0)) if desired_axis_order == "xyz" else ndarray xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = metadata(czi_path, ndarray, return_res, return_metadata, xy_res, z_res, save_metadata) return return_3D_img(ndarray, return_metadata, return_res, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim)
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def load_tifs(tif_path, desired_axis_order="xyz", return_res=False, return_metadata=False, save_metadata=None, xy_res=None, z_res=None, parallel_loading=True): """ Load a series of .tif images and return the ndarray. Parameters ---------- tif_path : str The path to the .tif files. desired_axis_order : str, optional The desired order of the image axes. Default is 'xyz'. return_res : bool, optional Whether to return resolutions. Default is False. return_metadata : bool, optional Whether to return metadata. Default is False. save_metadata : str, optional Path to save metadata file. Default is None. xy_res : float, optional The resolution in the xy-plane. z_res : float, optional The resolution in the z-plane. parallel_loading : bool, optional Whether to load images in parallel. Default is True. Returns ------- ndarray The loaded 3D image array. tuple, optional If return_res is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res). tuple, optional If return_metadata is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim). """ def load_single_tif(tif_file): """Load a single .tif file using OpenCV and return the ndarray.""" img = cv2.imread(str(tif_file), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) if img is None: raise ValueError(f"Failed to load image: {tif_file}") return img tif_files = sorted(Path(tif_path).parent.glob("*.tif")) if parallel_loading: with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: tifs_stacked = list(, tif_files)) else: tifs_stacked = [] for tif_file in tif_files: tifs_stacked.append(load_single_tif(tif_file)) ndarray = np.stack(tifs_stacked, axis=0) ndarray = np.transpose(ndarray, (2, 1, 0)) if desired_axis_order == "xyz" else ndarray xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = metadata(tif_files[0], ndarray, return_res, return_metadata, xy_res, z_res, save_metadata) return return_3D_img(ndarray, return_metadata, return_res, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim)
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def load_nii(nii_path, desired_axis_order="xyz", return_res=False, return_metadata=False, save_metadata=None, xy_res=None, z_res=None): """ Load a .nii.gz image and return the ndarray. Parameters ---------- nii_path : str The path to the .nii.gz file. desired_axis_order : str, optional The desired order of the image axes. Default is 'xyz'. return_res : bool, optional Whether to return resolutions. Default is False. return_metadata : bool, optional Whether to return metadata. Default is False. save_metadata : str, optional Path to save metadata file. Default is None. xy_res : float, optional The resolution in the xy-plane (use if res is not specified in the metadata). z_res : float, optional The resolution in the z-plane. Returns ------- ndarray The loaded 3D image array. tuple, optional If return_res is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res). tuple, optional If return_metadata is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim). Notes ----- - If xy_res and z_res are provided, they will be used instead of the values from the metadata. """ nii = nib.load(nii_path) ndarray = np.asanyarray(nii.dataobj, dtype=nii.header.get_data_dtype()).squeeze() ndarray = np.transpose(ndarray, (2, 1, 0)) if desired_axis_order == "zyx" else ndarray res_specified = True if xy_res is not None else False if res_specified: original_xy_res = xy_res original_z_res = z_res xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = metadata(nii_path, ndarray, return_res, return_metadata, save_metadata=save_metadata) if res_specified: xy_res = original_xy_res z_res = original_z_res return return_3D_img(ndarray, return_metadata, return_res, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim)
[docs] def nii_path_or_nii(nii): """Helper function to load a NIfTI image if it's a path. Returns the NIfTI image object. Parameters: ----------- nii : str, Path, or nib.Nifti1Image Path to the NIfTI image file or a Nifti1Image object. Returns: -------- nib.Nifti1Image The NIfTI image object. """ if isinstance(nii, nib.Nifti1Image): return nii elif isinstance(nii, (str, Path)) and Path(nii).exists(): return nib.load(nii) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"\n [red1]Input file not found: {nii}\n")
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def nii_to_ndarray(nii): """Load a NIfTI image and return as a 3D ndarray. Parameters: ----------- nii : str, Path, or nib.Nifti1Image Path to the NIfTI image file or a Nifti1Image object. Returns: -------- ndarray : ndarray The 3D image array. """ nii = nii_path_or_nii(nii) ndarray = np.asanyarray(nii.dataobj, dtype=nii.header.get_data_dtype()).squeeze() return ndarray
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def load_nii_subset(nii_path, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax): """ Load a spatial subset of a .nii.gz file and return an ndarray. Parameters ---------- nii_path : str The path to the .nii.gz file. xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax : int The spatial coordinates defining the subset. Returns ------- ndarray The loaded subset of the 3D image. """ proxy_img = nib.load(nii_path) subset_array = proxy_img.dataobj[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax] return np.squeeze(subset_array)
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def load_h5(hdf5_path, desired_axis_order="xyz", return_res=False, return_metadata=False, save_metadata=None, xy_res=None, z_res=None): """ Load full resolution image from an HDF5 file (.h5) and return the ndarray. Parameters ---------- hdf5_path : str The path to the .h5 file. desired_axis_order : str, optional The desired order of the image axes. Default is 'xyz'. return_res : bool, optional Whether to return resolutions. Default is False. return_metadata : bool, optional Whether to return metadata. Default is False. save_metadata : str, optional Path to save metadata file. Default is None. xy_res : float, optional The resolution in the xy-plane. z_res : float, optional The resolution in the z-plane. Returns ------- ndarray The loaded 3D image array. tuple, optional If return_res is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res). tuple, optional If return_metadata is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim). """ with h5py.File(hdf5_path, 'r') as f: full_res_dataset_name = next(iter(f.keys())) # Assumes first dataset = full res image dataset = f[full_res_dataset_name] print(f"\n Loading {full_res_dataset_name} as ndarray") ndarray = dataset[:] # Load the full res image into memory (if not enough RAM, chunck data [e.g., w/ dask array]) ndarray = np.transpose(ndarray, (2, 1, 0)) if desired_axis_order == "xyz" else ndarray xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = metadata(hdf5_path, ndarray, return_res, return_metadata, save_metadata=save_metadata) return return_3D_img(ndarray, return_metadata, return_res, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim)
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def load_zarr(zarr_path, desired_axis_order="xyz"): """ Load a .zarr image and return the ndarray. Parameters ---------- zarr_path : str The path to the .zarr file. desired_axis_order : str, optional The desired order of the image axes. Default is 'xyz'. Returns ------- ndarray The loaded 3D image array. """ zarr_dataset =, mode='r') ndarray = np.array(zarr_dataset) ndarray = np.transpose(ndarray, (2, 1, 0)) if desired_axis_order == "xyz" else ndarray return ndarray
[docs] def resolve_path(upstream_path, path_or_pattern, make_parents=True, is_file=True): """ Returns full path or Path(upstream_path, path_or_pattern) and optionally creates parent directories. Parameters ---------- upstream_path : str The base path. path_or_pattern : str The relative path or glob pattern. make_parents : bool, optional Whether to create parent directories if they don't exist. Default is True. is_file : bool, optional Whether the path is a file. Default is True. Returns ------- Path or None The resolved path or None if not found. """ if Path(path_or_pattern).is_absolute(): if is_file: Path(path_or_pattern).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: Path(path_or_pattern).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return Path(path_or_pattern) full_path = Path(upstream_path, path_or_pattern) if full_path.exists(): return full_path glob_matches = sorted(full_path.parent.glob( if glob_matches: return glob_matches[0] # Return the first match # Make parent dirs for future output if make_parents: if is_file: full_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: full_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return full_path return None
[docs] def save_metadata_to_file(xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, save_metadata='parameters/metadata.txt'): """ Save metadata to a text file. Parameters ---------- xy_res : float The resolution in the xy-plane. z_res : float The resolution in the z-plane. x_dim : int The size of the image in the x-dimension. y_dim : int The size of the image in the y-dimension. z_dim : int The size of the image in the z-dimension. save_metadata : str, optional Path to save metadata file. Default is 'parameters/metadata.txt'. """ save_metadata = Path(save_metadata) save_metadata.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not save_metadata.exists(): with'w') as f: f.write(f"Width: {x_dim*xy_res} microns ({x_dim})\n") f.write(f"Height: {y_dim*xy_res} microns ({y_dim})\n") f.write(f"Depth: {z_dim*z_res} microns ({z_dim})\n") f.write(f"Voxel size: {xy_res}x{xy_res}x{z_res} micron^3\n")
[docs] def load_image_metadata_from_txt(metadata="./parameters/metadata*"): """ Load metadata from a text file. Parameters ---------- metadata : str, optional The path or pattern to the metadata file. Default is './parameters/metadata*'. Returns ------- tuple Returns (xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim) or (None, None, None, None, None) if file not found. """ file_paths = glob(str(metadata)) if file_paths: with open(file_paths[0], 'r') as file: for line in file: dim_match = re.compile(r'(Width|Height|Depth):\s+[\d.]+ microns \((\d+)\)').search(line) if dim_match: dim = dim_res = float( if dim == 'Width': x_dim = int(dim_res) elif dim == 'Height': y_dim = int(dim_res) elif dim == 'Depth': z_dim = int(dim_res) voxel_match = re.compile(r'Voxel size: ([\d.]+)x([\d.]+)x([\d.]+) micron\^3').search(line) if voxel_match: xy_res = float( z_res = float( else: return None, None, None, None, None return xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def load_3D_img(img_path, channel=0, desired_axis_order="xyz", return_res=False, return_metadata=False, xy_res=None, z_res=None, save_metadata=None): """ Load a 3D image from various file formats and return the ndarray. Parameters ---------- img_path : str The path to the image file. channel : int, optional The channel to load. Default is 0. desired_axis_order : str, optional The desired order of the image axes. Default is 'xyz'. return_res : bool, optional Whether to return resolutions. Default is False. return_metadata : bool, optional Whether to return metadata. Default is False. xy_res : float, optional The resolution in the xy-plane. z_res : float, optional The resolution in the z-plane. save_metadata : str, optional Path to save metadata file. Default is None. Returns ------- ndarray The loaded 3D image array. tuple, optional If return_res is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res). tuple, optional If return_metadata is True, returns (ndarray, xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim). """ # If file_path points to dir containing tifs, resolve path to first .tif img_path = Path(img_path) if img_path.is_dir(): sorted_files = sorted(img_path.glob(f"*.tif")) if sorted_files: img_path = next(iter(sorted_files), None) if not img_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"No compatible image files found in {img_path} for load_3D_img(). Use: .czi, .ome.tif, .tif, .nii.gz, .h5, .zarr") if str(img_path).endswith('.czi'): print(f"\n [default]Loading channel {channel} from {img_path} (channel 0 is the first channel)") else: print(f"\n [default]Loading {img_path}") # Load image based on file type and optionally return resolutions and dimensions try: if str(img_path).endswith('.czi'): return load_czi(img_path, channel, desired_axis_order, return_res, return_metadata, save_metadata, xy_res, z_res) elif str(img_path).endswith('.ome.tif') or str(img_path).endswith('.tif'): return load_tifs(img_path, desired_axis_order, return_res, return_metadata, save_metadata, xy_res, z_res, parallel_loading=True) elif str(img_path).endswith('.nii.gz'): return load_nii(img_path, desired_axis_order, return_res, return_metadata, save_metadata, xy_res, z_res) elif str(img_path).endswith('.h5'): return load_h5(img_path, desired_axis_order, return_res, return_metadata, save_metadata, xy_res, z_res) elif str(img_path).endswith('.zarr'): return load_zarr(img_path, desired_axis_order) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file type: {img_path.suffix}. Supported file types: .czi, .ome.tif, .tif, .nii.gz, .h5") except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError) as e: print(f"\n [red bold]Error: {e}\n") import sys ; sys.exit()
# Save images
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def save_as_nii(ndarray, output, xy_res=1000, z_res=1000, data_type=None, reference=None): """ Save a numpy array as a .nii.gz image with the specified resolution and orientation, using a reference image if provided. Parameters ---------- ndarray : ndarray The numpy array to save as a NIFTI image. output : str or Path The file path to save the output image. '.nii.gz' is appended if not present. xy_res : float, optional XY-plane resolution in microns. Default is 1000. z_res : float, optional Z-axis resolution in microns. Default is 1000. data_type : data-type, optional Data type for the NIFTI image. Default is np.float32. reference : str, Path, or nib.Nifti1Image, optional Either a path to a reference .nii.gz file or a Nifti1Image object to set orientation and resolution. If provided, `xy_res` and `z_res` are ignored. Default is None. Notes ----- - The function will automatically create parent directories if they do not exist. - The affine transformation is constructed assuming RAS orientation if no reference is provided. """ output = Path(output).resolve() output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not str(output).endswith('.nii.gz'): output = output.with_suffix('.nii.gz') if reference is not None: if isinstance(reference, (str, Path)): ref_nii = nib.load(str(reference)) elif isinstance(reference, nib.Nifti1Image): ref_nii = reference else: raise ValueError("\n [red1]Reference for save_as_nii() must be a path to a .nii.gz file or a Nifti1Image object.\n") affine = ref_nii.affine header = ref_nii.header.copy() if data_type is None: data_type = header.get_data_dtype() else: # Create the affine matrix with the appropriate resolutions (converting microns to mm) affine = np.diag([xy_res / 1000, xy_res / 1000, z_res / 1000, 1]) # RAS orientation header = nib.Nifti1Header() # Create and save the NIFTI image nii = nib.Nifti1Image(ndarray, affine, header) nii.header.set_data_dtype(data_type or np.float32), output) print(f"\n Output: [default bold]{output}")
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def save_as_tifs(ndarray, tif_dir_out, ndarray_axis_order="xyz"): """ Save an ndarray as a series of .tif images. Parameters ---------- ndarray : ndarray The 3D image array to save. tif_dir_out : str The directory to save the .tif files. ndarray_axis_order : str, optional The order of the ndarray axes. Default is 'xyz'. Returns ------- None """ # Ensure tif_dir_out is a Path object, not a string tif_dir_out = Path(tif_dir_out) tif_dir_out.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if ndarray_axis_order == "xyz": ndarray = np.transpose(ndarray, (2, 1, 0)) # Transpose to zyx (tiff expects zyx) for i, slice_ in enumerate(ndarray): slice_file_path = tif_dir_out / f"slice_{i:04d}.tif" imwrite(str(slice_file_path), slice_) print(f"\n Output: [default bold]{tif_dir_out}")
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def save_as_zarr(ndarray, output_path, ndarray_axis_order="xyz"): """ Save an ndarray to a .zarr file. Parameters ---------- ndarray : ndarray The 3D image array to save. output_path : str The path to save the .zarr file. ndarray_axis_order : str, optional The order of the ndarray axes. Default is 'xyz'. Returns ------- None """ if ndarray_axis_order == "xyz": ndarray = np.transpose(ndarray, (2, 1, 0)) dask_array = da.from_array(ndarray, chunks='auto') compressor = zarr.Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=9, shuffle=zarr.Blosc.BITSHUFFLE) dask_array.to_zarr(output_path, compressor=compressor, overwrite=True) print(f"\n Output: [default bold]{output_path}")
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def save_as_h5(ndarray, output_path, ndarray_axis_order="xyz"): """ Save an ndarray to an HDF5 file (.h5). Parameters ---------- ndarray : ndarray The 3D image array to save. output_path : str The path to save the .h5 file. ndarray_axis_order : str, optional The order of the ndarray axes. Default is 'xyz'. Returns ------- None """ if ndarray_axis_order == "xyz": ndarray = np.transpose(ndarray, (2, 1, 0)) with h5py.File(output_path, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('data', data=ndarray, compression="lzf")
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def save_3D_img(img, output_path, ndarray_axis_order="xyz", xy_res=1000, z_res=1000, data_type=np.float32, reference_img=None): """ Save a 3D image in various formats. Parameters ---------- img : ndarray The 3D image array to save. output_path : str The path to save the image. ndarray_axis_order : str, optional The order of the ndarray axes. Default is 'xyz'. xy_res : float, optional The x/y resolution in microns for a NIFTI image output. Default is 1000. z_res : float, optional The z resolution in microns for a NIFTI image output. Default is 1000. data_type : data-type, optional Data type for a NIFTI image output. Default is np.float32. reference_img : str, Path, or a nib.Nifti1Image object, optional Either path to a .nii.gz file or a Nifti1Image object to set orientation and resolution. Default is None. If provided, xy_res and z_res are ignored. """ output = Path(output_path) output.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if output_path.endswith('.nii.gz'): save_as_nii(img, output_path, xy_res, z_res, data_type=data_type, reference=reference_img) elif output_path.endswith('.zarr'): save_as_zarr(img, output_path, ndarray_axis_order=ndarray_axis_order) elif output_path.endswith('.h5'): save_as_h5(img, output_path, ndarray_axis_order=ndarray_axis_order) elif output_path.endswith('.tif'): save_as_tifs(img, output_path, ndarray_axis_order=ndarray_axis_order) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file type for save_3D_img(): {output_path.suffix}. Use: .nii.gz, .zarr, .h5, .tif") print(f"\n Image saved to: {output_path}\n")
# Other functions
[docs] def nii_voxel_size(nii, use_um=True): """Get the resolution (voxel size) of a NIfTI image. Parameters: ----------- nii : str, Path, or nib.Nifti1Image Path to the NIfTI image file or a Nifti1Image object. use_um : bool, optional. Default is True. If True, return the resolution in micrometers (um). If False, return the resolution in millimeters (mm). Returns: -------- res : tuple of float or float If anisotropic, returns (x_res, y_res, z_res) in micrometers (um) or millimeters (mm). If isotropic, returns a single float value for the resolution in micrometers (um) or millimeters (mm). """ nii = nii_path_or_nii(nii) res = nii.header.get_zooms() # (x, y, z) in mm if use_um: res = tuple([r * 1000 for r in res]) # Convert to micrometers # Return as a single value if isotropic, else as a tuple return res[0] if res[0] == res[1] == res[2] else res