Source code for unravel.image_io.points_to_img

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Use `io_points_to_img` from UNRAVEL to convert a set of points (coordinates) to a 3D image, accounting for the number of detections at each voxel.

    - A CSV file where each row represents a point corresponding to a detection in the 3D image. 
    - The columns should include 'x', 'y', 'z', and 'Region_ID' (e.g., from ``rstats`` or ``io_img_to_points``).

Output image types:
    .nii.gz, .tif series, .h5, .zarr

    - Points outside the brain (i.e., 'Region_ID' == 0) are excluded.
    - If the input CSV has a 'count' column, use ``utils_points_compressor`` to unpack the points before running this script.

    io_points_to_img  -i path/points.csv -ri path/ref_image [-o path/image] [-thr 20000 or -uthr 20000] [-v]

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from rich import print
from rich.traceback import install

from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM
from unravel.core.config import Configuration
from unravel.core.img_io import load_3D_img, save_3D_img
from unravel.core.utils import log_command, verbose_start_msg, verbose_end_msg, print_func_name_args_times

[docs] def parse_args(): parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__) reqs = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments') reqs.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='path/input.csv w/ columns: x, y, z, Region_ID', required=True, action=SM) reqs.add_argument('-ri', '--ref_img', help='Path to a reference image for output image shape and saving.', required=True, action=SM) opts = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments') opts.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Path to save the output image. Default: path/input.nii.gz', default=None, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-thr', '--thresh', help='Exclude region IDs below this threshold (e.g., 20000 to obtain left hemisphere data)', type=float, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-uthr', '--upper_thr', help='Exclude region IDs above this threshold (e.g., 20000 to obtain right hemisphere data)', type=float, action=SM) general = parser.add_argument_group('General arguments') general.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. Default: False', action='store_true', default=False) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def threshold_points_by_region_id(points_df, thresh=None, upper_thresh=None): """ Filter the points (i.e., coordinates) based on the 'Region_ID' column. This function removes points that are outside the brain (i.e., 'Region_ID' == 0) and optionally filters points based on a threshold or upper threshold. Parameters: ----------- points_df : pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame containing the points with columns 'x', 'y', 'z', and 'Region_ID'. thresh : float, optional Exclude region IDs below this threshold. upper_thresh : float, optional Exclude region IDs above this threshold. Returns: -------- points_df : pandas.DataFrame The filtered DataFrame containing the points with columns 'x', 'y', 'z', and 'Region_ID'. """ # Remove points that are outside the brain (i.e., 'Region_ID' == 0) points_df = points_df[points_df['Region_ID'] != 0] # Filter points based on thresholding the 'Region_ID' column if thresh: points_df = points_df[points_df['Region_ID'] >= thresh] if upper_thresh: points_df = points_df[points_df['Region_ID'] <= upper_thresh] return points_df
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def load_and_prepare_points(points_csv_path, thresh=None, upper_thresh=None): """ Load points from a CSV file and prepare them by filtering based on Region_ID and adjusting coordinates. Parameters: ----------- points_csv_path : str or Path Path to the input CSV file containing the points. thresh : float, optional Threshold to exclude points with Region_ID below this value. upper_thresh : float, optional Threshold to exclude points with Region_ID above this value. Returns: -------- points_df : pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame containing the prepared points with columns 'x', 'y', 'z', and 'Region_ID'. """ points_df = pd.read_csv(points_csv_path) # Check if the DataFrame has a count column if 'count' in points_df.columns: print("\n [red1]The input CSV file contains a 'count' column. Please use `utils_points_compressor` to unpack the points before rerunning this script.\n") import sys ; sys.exit() points_df = threshold_points_by_region_id(points_df, thresh=thresh, upper_thresh=upper_thresh) return points_df
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def points_to_img(points_ndarray, ref_img=None): """ Create a 3D image from a set of point coordinates, using a reference image for shape if provided. If multiple points fall within the same voxel, the voxel's value is incremented accordingly. Parameters: ----------- points_ndarray : numpy.ndarray A 2D array of shape (n, 3) where each row represents the (x, y, z) coordinates of a point. ref_img : numpy.ndarray A reference image from which to derive the output shape. Returns: -------- img : numpy.ndarray A 3D image created from the input points. Each voxel's value represents the number of points that fall within that voxel. Note: ----- - If the point coordinates are in physical or resampled space, ensure that they are appropriately scaled and aligned with the desired image grid before calling this function. - If the count in a voxel exceeds the maximum value for `uint8` (255), the image's data type is automatically promoted to `uint16` to accommodate higher counts. Example: -------- >>> points_ndarray = np.array([[10, 20, 30], [10, 20, 30], [15, 25, 35]]) >>> ref_img = np.zeros((50, 50, 50), dtype='uint8') >>> img = points_to_img(points_ndarray, ref_img) >>> print(img[10, 20, 30]) # Output will be 2, since two points are at this coordinate. >>> print(img[15, 25, 35]) # Output will be 1, since one point is at this coordinate. """ # Create an empty image img_shape = ref_img.shape img = np.zeros(img_shape, dtype='uint8') # Increment the voxel value for each point's coordinates for x, y, z in points_ndarray.astype(int): if 0 <= x < img_shape[0] and 0 <= y < img_shape[1] and 0 <= z < img_shape[2]: img[x, y, z] += 1 # Promote to uint16 if a voxel's count exceeds 255 if img[x, y, z] == 255 and img.dtype == 'uint8': img = img.astype('uint16') return img
[docs] @log_command def main(): install() args = parse_args() Configuration.verbose = args.verbose verbose_start_msg() # Load and prepare points points_df = load_and_prepare_points(points_csv_path=args.input, thresh=args.thresh, upper_thresh=args.upper_thr) # Extract the ndarray of coordinates from the DataFrame points_ndarray = points_df[['x', 'y', 'z']].values # Create an image from the points using a reference image to determine the shape ref_img = load_3D_img(args.ref_img) img = points_to_img(points_ndarray, ref_img) # Save the image if args.output: output_img_path = Path(args.output) output_img_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) else: output_img_path = args.input.replace('.csv', '.nii.gz') save_3D_img(img, output_img_path, reference_img=args.ref_img) verbose_end_msg()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()