Source code for unravel.image_io.reorient_nii

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Use ``io_reorient_nii`` from UNRAVEL to set the orientation of a .nii.gz or its affine matrix.

    - path/input_image.nii.gz

    - A .nii.gz images with the new orientation (e.g., image_PIR.nii.gz or image_PIR_applied.nii.gz)

The axis codes are:
    R: Right / L: Left 
    A: Anterior / P: Posterior
    S: Superior / I: Inferior

The orientation code is a 3-letter code that indicates the direction of the axes in the image.

For the RAS+ orientation (default for NIfTI): 
    - The right side is at the positive direction of the x-axis
    - The anterior side is at the positive direction of the y-axis
    - The superior side is at the positive direction of the z-axis

The orientation code also indicates the orientation of the axes in the affine matrix.

Example affine for RAS+ orientation:
    [[1  0  0  0]
    [ 0  1  0  0]
    [ 0  0  1  0]
    [ 0  0  0  1]]

    - The 1st letter is R since the 1st diagonal value is positive (the right side is at the positive direction of the x-axis)
    - The 2nd letter is A since the 2nd diagonal value is positive (the anterior side is at the positive direction of the y-axis)
    - The 3rd letter is S since the 3rd diagonal value is positive (the superior side is at the positive direction of the z-axis)

Example affine for LPS+ orientation:
    [[-1  0  0  0]
    [  0 -1  0  0]
    [  0  0  1  0]
    [  0  0  0  1]]

        -For LPS, the 1st letter is L since the 1st diagonal value is negative.
        -The 2nd letter is P since the 2nd diagonal value is negative.
        -The 3rd letter is S since the 3rd diagonal value is positive.

Example affine for PIR+ orientation (default for CCFv3):
    [[ 0  0  1  0]
    [ -1  0  0  0]
    [  0 -1  0  0]
    [  0  0  0  1]]

For PIR:
    First letter determination: 
        -The 1st column has a non-zero value at the 2nd row, so the 1st letter is either A or P (2nd letter of the default 'RAS' orientation code).
        -Since the valud is negative, the 1st letter is P
    Second letter determination:
        -The 2nd column has a non-zero value at the 3rd row, so the 2nd letter is either S or I (3rd letter of the default 'RAS' orientation code).
        -Since the value is negative, the 2nd letter is I
    Third letter determination:
        -The 3rd column has a non-zero value at the 1st row, so the 3rd letter is either R or L (1st letter of the default 'RAS' orientation code).
        -Since the value is positive, the 3rd letter is R

    io_reorient_nii -i image.nii.gz -t PIR [-o image_PIR.nii.gz] [-z] [-a] [-fc 2] [-v]

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from nibabel.orientations import axcodes2ornt, ornt_transform, io_orientation, aff2axcodes, apply_orientation
from rich import print
from rich.traceback import install

from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM

from unravel.core.config import Configuration
from unravel.core.utils import log_command, verbose_start_msg, verbose_end_msg

[docs] def parse_args(): parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__) reqs = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments') reqs.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='path/img.nii.gz', required=True, action=SM) reqs.add_argument('-t', '--target_ort', help='Target orientation axis codes (e.g., RAS)', required=True, action=SM) opts = parser.add_argument_group('Optional args') reqs.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='path/img.nii.gz', required=True, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-z', '--zero_origin', help='Provide flag to zero the origin of the affine matrix.', action='store_true', default=False) opts.add_argument('-a', '--apply', help='Provide flag to apply the new orientation to the ndarray data.', action='store_true', default=False) opts.add_argument('-fc', '--form_code', help='Set the sform and qform codes for spatial coordinate type (1 = scanner; 2 = aligned)', type=int, default=None) general = parser.add_argument_group('General arguments') general.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. Default: False', action='store_true', default=False) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def transform_nii_affine(nii, target_ort, zero_origin=False): """Transform the affine matrix of a NIfTI image to a target orientation and return the new affine matrix Args: nii (nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image): NIfTI image target_ort (str): Target orientation axis codes (e.g., RAS) zero_origin (bool): Zero the origin of the affine matrix. Default: False """ # Get the current axis codes current_axcodes_tuple = aff2axcodes(nii.affine) current_axcodes = ''.join(current_axcodes_tuple) np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True) print(f'\nCurrent affine matrix ({current_axcodes}): \n{nii.affine}') # Get the current orientation current_orientation = axcodes2ornt(current_axcodes_tuple) # Get the index of the target orientation current_ort_first_col_index = int(current_orientation[0][0]) current_ort_second_col_index = int(current_orientation[1][0]) current_ort_third_col_index = int(current_orientation[2][0]) # Convert the current affine to the target orientation target_orientation = axcodes2ornt(target_ort) # Get the sign of the target orientation sign_of_first_target_direction = target_orientation[0][1] sign_of_second_target_direction = target_orientation[1][1] sign_of_third_target_direction = target_orientation[2][1] # Get the index of the target orientation new_ort_first_col_index = int(target_orientation[0][0]) new_ort_second_col_index = int(target_orientation[1][0]) new_ort_third_col_index = int(target_orientation[2][0]) # Make an affine matrix for the target orientation new_affine = np.zeros((4,4)) new_affine[:,3] = 1 # Set the columns of the new affine matrix to the target orientation new_affine[new_ort_first_col_index, 0] = sign_of_first_target_direction * np.abs(nii.affine[current_ort_first_col_index, 0]) new_affine[new_ort_second_col_index, 1] = sign_of_second_target_direction * np.abs(nii.affine[current_ort_second_col_index, 1]) new_affine[new_ort_third_col_index, 2] = sign_of_third_target_direction * np.abs(nii.affine[current_ort_third_col_index, 2]) # Set the origin of the new affine matrix to the origin of the current affine matrix new_affine[0:3,3] = nii.affine[0:3,3] # Zero the origin of the affine matrix if zero_origin: for i in range(3): new_affine[i,3] = 0 # Get the axis codes of the new affine new_axcodes_tuple = nib.orientations.aff2axcodes(new_affine) new_axcodes = ''.join(new_axcodes_tuple) print(f'\nNew affine matrix ({new_axcodes}): \n{new_affine}') return new_affine
[docs] def reorient_nii(nii, target_ort, zero_origin=False, apply=False, form_code=None): """Reorient a NIfTI image or its affine matrix to a target orientation. Args: nii_path (str): Path to the NIfTI image target_ort (str): Target orientation axis codes (e.g., RAS) zero_origin (bool): Zero the origin of the affine matrix. Default: False apply (bool): Apply the new orientation to the ndarray data. Default: False form_code (int): Set the sform and qform codes for spatial coordinate type (1 = scanner; 2 = aligned). Default: None (get from the input NIfTI image) Returns: If apply True: new_nii (nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image): NIfTI image with the new orientation If apply False: new_affine (np.ndarray): New affine matrix """ # Optionally apply the orientation change to the image data if apply: print('Applying orientation change to the image data...') img = nii.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) current_orientation = io_orientation(nii.affine) target_orientation = axcodes2ornt(target_ort) orientation_change = ornt_transform(current_orientation, target_orientation) img = apply_orientation(img, orientation_change) else: img = nii.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) # Check data type data_type = nii.header.get_data_dtype() # For integer data types, round the values to the nearest integer if np.issubdtype(data_type, np.integer): img = np.round(img).astype(data_type) # Get the new affine matrix new_affine = transform_nii_affine(nii, target_ort, zero_origin=zero_origin) # Make the new NIfTI image new_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(img, new_affine) new_nii.header.set_data_dtype(data_type) # Set the header information new_nii.header['xyzt_units'] = 10 # mm, s new_nii.header['regular'] = b'r' if form_code: new_nii.header.set_qform(new_affine, code=form_code) new_nii.header.set_sform(new_affine, code=form_code) else: new_nii.header.set_qform(new_affine, code=int(nii.header['qform_code'])) new_nii.header.set_sform(new_affine, code=int(nii.header['sform_code'])) return new_nii
[docs] @log_command def main(): install() args = parse_args() Configuration.verbose = args.verbose verbose_start_msg() nii = nib.load(args.input) new_nii = reorient_nii(nii, args.target_ort, zero_origin=args.zero_origin, apply=args.apply, form_code=args.form_code) # Save the new .nii.gz file if args.output:, args.output) else: if args.apply:, args.input.replace('.nii.gz', f'_{args.target_ort}_applied.nii.gz')) else:, args.input.replace('.nii.gz', f'_{args.target_ort}.nii.gz')) verbose_end_msg()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()