Source code for unravel.image_tools.spatial_averaging

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Use ``img_spatial_avg`` from UNRAVEL to load an image and apply 3D spatial averaging.

Input image types:
    - .czi, .nii.gz, .ome.tif series, .tif series, .h5, .zarr

    - .nii.gz, .tif series, or .zarr depending on the output path extension.

3D spatial averaging:
    - Apply a 3D spatial averaging filter to a 3D numpy array.
    - Default kernel size is 3x3x3, for the current voxel and its 26 neighbors.
    - The output array is the same size as the input array.
    - The edges of the output array are padded with zeros.
    - The output array is the same data type as the input array.
    - The input array must be 3D.
    - The xy and z resolutions are required for saving the output as .nii.gz.
    - The output is saved as .nii.gz, .tif series, or .zarr.

2D spatial averaging:
    - Apply a 2D spatial averaging filter to each slice of a 3D numpy array.
    - Default kernel size is 3x3, for the current pixel and its 8 neighbors.
    - The output array is the same size as the input array.
    - The edges of the output array are padded with zeros.
    - The output array is the same data type as the input array.
    - The input array must be 3D.
    - The xy and z resolutions are required for saving the output as .nii.gz.
    - The output is saved as .nii.gz, .tif series, or .zarr.

    img_spatial_avg -i <tif_dir> -o spatial_avg.zarr -d 2 [-k 3] [-c 0] [-x 3.5232] [-z 6] [-dt uint16] [-r metadata_referenece.nii.gz] [-ao xyz] [-v]

import cv2
import numpy as np
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from rich.traceback import install
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter

from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM

from unravel.core.config import Configuration
from unravel.core.img_io import load_3D_img, save_as_nii, save_as_tifs, save_as_zarr
from unravel.core.utils import log_command, verbose_start_msg, verbose_end_msg, print_func_name_args_times

[docs] def parse_args(): parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__) reqs = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments') reqs.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='path/image .czi, path/img.nii.gz, or path/tif_dir', required=True, action=SM) reqs.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Output path. Default: None', required=True, action=SM) reqs.add_argument('-d', '--dimensions', help='2D or 3D spatial averaging. (2 or 3)', required=True, type=int, action=SM) opts = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments') opts.add_argument('-k', '--kernel_size', help='Size of the kernel for spatial averaging. Default: 3', default=3, type=int, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-c', '--channel', help='.czi channel number. Default: 0 for autofluo', default=0, type=int, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-x', '--xy_res', help='xy resolution in um', default=None, type=float, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-z', '--z_res', help='z resolution in um', default=None, type=float, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-dt', '--dtype', help='Output data type. Default: uint16', default='uint16', action=SM) opts.add_argument('-r', '--reference', help='Reference image for .nii.gz metadata. Default: None', default=None, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-ao', '--axis_order', help='Default: xyz. (other option: zyx)', default='xyz', action=SM) general = parser.add_argument_group('General arguments') general.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. Default: False', action='store_true', default=False) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def spatial_average_3D(arr, kernel_size=3): """ Apply a 3D spatial averaging filter to a 3D numpy array. Parameters: - arr (np.ndarray): The input 3D array. - kernel_size (int): The size of the cubic kernel. Default is 3, for the current voxel and its 26 neighbors. Returns: - np.ndarray: The array after applying the spatial averaging. """ if arr.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Input array must be 3D.") return uniform_filter(arr, size=kernel_size, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
[docs] def apply_2D_mean_filter(slice, kernel_size=(3, 3)): """Apply a 2D mean filter to a single slice.""" kernel = np.ones(kernel_size, np.float32) / (kernel_size[0] * kernel_size[1]) return cv2.filter2D(slice, -1, kernel)
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def spatial_average_2D(volume, filter_func, kernel_size=(3, 3), threads=8): """ Apply a specified 2D filter function to each slice of a 3D volume in parallel. Parameters: - volume (np.ndarray): The input 3D array. - filter_func (callable): The filter function to apply to each slice. - kernel_size (tuple): The dimensions of the kernel to be used in the filter. - threads (int): The number of parallel threads to use. Returns: - np.ndarray: The volume processed with the filter applied to each slice. """ processed_volume = np.empty_like(volume) num_cores = min(len(volume), threads) # Limit the number of cores to the number of slices or specified threads with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_cores) as executor: # Each slice is processed independently and the result is stored in the corresponding index results =, volume, [kernel_size] * len(volume)) for i, processed_slice in enumerate(results): processed_volume[i] = processed_slice return processed_volume
[docs] @log_command def main(): install() args = parse_args() Configuration.verbose = args.verbose verbose_start_msg() # Load image and metadata if args.xy_res is None or args.z_res is None: img, xy_res, z_res = load_3D_img(args.input, return_res=True) else: img = load_3D_img(args.input) xy_res, z_res = args.xy_res, args.z_res # Apply spatial averaging if args.dimensions == 3: img = spatial_average_3D(img, kernel_size=args.kernel_size) elif args.dimensions == 2: img = spatial_average_2D(img, apply_2D_mean_filter, kernel_size=(args.kernel_size, args.kernel_size)) else: raise ValueError("Dimensions must be 2 or 3.") # Set the data type for the output if args.dtype == 'uint8': img = img.astype(np.uint8) elif args.dtype == 'uint16': img = img.astype(np.uint16) elif args.dtype == 'float32': img = img.astype(np.float32) else: raise ValueError("Data type must be uint8, uint16, or float32.") # Save image if args.output.endswith('.nii.gz'): save_as_nii(img, args.output, xy_res, z_res, data_type=args.dtype, reference=args.reference) elif args.output.endswith('.tif'): save_as_tifs(img, args.output, ndarray_axis_order=args.axis_order) elif args.output.endswith('.zarr'): save_as_zarr(img, args.output, ndarray_axis_order=args.axis_order) verbose_end_msg()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()