Source code for unravel.unravel_commands

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Use ``unravel_commands`` or ``uc`` to print a list of commands available in the UNRAVEL package. 

For help on a ``command``, run: 
<command> -h

    - Documentation:
    - Commands are roughly organized by the order of the workflow and/or the relatedness of the commands.
    - Aliases are provided for most commands to make them easier to type.
    - Filtering is case-insensitive and matches substrings in the printed lines (regex).
    - For example, use of -f with -d will find matches in the command name and/or description, preserving those lines.

Next steps:
    - Start with ``io_metadata`` (``m``) for most workflows (e.g., to extract or specify raw voxel sizes and image dimensions).
    - Many scripts are designed for batch processing of sample directories, which can be tested using ``utils_get_samples`` (``s``).

Usage to print common commands, aliases, and descriptions:
    uc -cad

Usage to print all commands matching a specific string:
    uc -ad -f vstats  # Find voxel-wise stats commands

Usage to print all commands and module names:
    uc -m

extended_help = """
If you encounter a situation where a command from the UNRAVEL package has the same name as a command from another package or system command, follow these steps to diagnose and fix the issue:

1. Check the conflicting command:
    - Use the `which` command to determine the location of the executable being called: which <command>
    - This will show the path to the executable that is being invoked when you run the command.

2. Diagnose the conflict:
    - If the path does not point to the UNRAVEL package's command, it means there is a conflict with another package or system command.
    - For example, if you run `which reg` and it points to `/usr/bin/reg` instead of the expected path in your UNRAVEL package's environment, you have identified the conflict.

3. Resolve the conflict:
    - Rename the UNRAVEL command: One way to resolve the conflict is to rename the conflicting command in the `pyproject.toml` file of your UNRAVEL package by adding a unique prefix or suffix.
    - For instance, rename `reg` to `unravel_reg` in the `[project.scripts]` section (i.e., reg = "unravel.register.unravel_reg:main")
    - After making this change, reinstall the package (cd <path/to/clone/of/repo> ; pip install -e .)

4. Re-run the renamed command:
    - Use the new command name to avoid the conflict: unravel_reg -h

5. Create aliases (optional):
    - If you prefer to keep using the original command names, you can create shell aliases in your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc` file to point to the UNRAVEL commands: alias reg="path/to/unravel_env/bin/reg"
    - Reload your shell configuration: source ~/.bashrc  # or source ~/.zshrc

6. Verify the fix:
    - Use the `which` command again to verify that the correct command is being invoked: which unravel_reg  # or which reg if using an alias

import re
from rich import print

from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM

[docs] def parse_args(): parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__) opts = parser.add_argument_group('Optional args') opts.add_argument('-c', '--common', help='Only print common commands', action='store_true', default=False) opts.add_argument('-m', '--module', help='Print the module (script name and location in the unravel package) for each command', action='store_true', default=False) opts.add_argument('-d', '--description', help="Print the description of each command's purpose", action='store_true', default=False) opts.add_argument('-f', '--filter', help='Filter commands by a string (e.g., -f reg)', type=str, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-a', '--aliases', help='Print shorter aliases of the commands', action='store_true', default=False) opts.add_argument('--extended-help', help='Help on diagnosing and fixing command conflicts', action='store_true', default=False) if parser.parse_known_args()[0].extended_help: print(extended_help) import sys ; sys.exit() return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def main(): args = parse_args() commands = { "Registration": { "reg_prep": { "module": "unravel.register.reg_prep", "description": "Prepare registration (resample the autofluo image).", "common": True, "alias": "rp" }, "reg": { "module": "unravel.register.reg", "description": "Perform registration (register the autofluo image to an average template).", "common": True }, "reg_check": { "module": "unravel.register.reg_check", "description": "Check registration (aggregate the autofluo and warped atlas images).", "common": True, "alias": "rc" }, "reg_check_brain_mask": { "module": "unravel.register.reg_check_brain_mask", "description": "Check brain mask for over/under segmentation.", "common": False, "alias": "rcbm" } }, "Warping": { "warp_to_atlas": { "module": "unravel.warp.to_atlas", "description": "Warp images to atlas space.", "common": True, "alias": "w2a" }, "warp_to_fixed": { "module": "unravel.warp.to_fixed", "description": "Warp images to native space.", "common": False, "alias": "w2f" }, "warp_to_native": { "module": "unravel.warp.to_native", "description": "Warp images to native space.", "common": True, "alias": "w2n" }, "warp_points_to_atlas": { "module": "unravel.warp.points_to_atlas", "description": "Warp cell centroids in tissue space to atlas space.", "common": True, "alias": "wp2a" }, "warp": { "module": "unravel.warp.warp", "description": "Warp between moving and fixed images.", "common": False } }, "Segmentation": { "seg_copy_tifs": { "module": "unravel.segment.copy_tifs", "description": "Copy TIF images (copy select tifs to target dir for training ilastik).", "common": True, "alias": "sct" }, "seg_brain_mask": { "module": "unravel.segment.brain_mask", "description": "Create brain mask (segment resampled autofluo tifs).", "common": True, "alias": "sbm" }, "seg_ilastik": { "module": "unravel.segment.ilastik_pixel_classification", "description": "Perform pixel classification w/ Ilastik to segment features of interest.", "common": True, "alias": "si" }, "seg_labels_to_masks": { "module": "unravel.segment.labels_to_masks", "description": "Convert each label to a binary .nii.gz.", "common": False, "alias": "sl2m" } }, "Voxel-wise stats": { "vstats_apply_mask": { "module": "unravel.voxel_stats.apply_mask", "description": "Apply mask to image (e.g., nullify artifacts or isolate signals).", "common": False, "alias": "apply_mask" }, "vstats_prep": { "module": "unravel.voxel_stats.vstats_prep", "description": "Prepare immunofluo images for voxel statistics (e.g., background subtract and warp to atlas space).", "common": True, "alias": "vp" }, "vstats_z_score": { "module": "unravel.voxel_stats.z_score", "description": "Z-score images.", "common": True, "alias": "zs" }, "vstats_whole_to_avg": { "module": "unravel.voxel_stats.whole_to_LR_avg", "description": "Average left and right hemispheres together", "common": True, "alias": "lr_avg" }, "vstats_hemi_to_avg": { "module": "unravel.voxel_stats.hemi_to_LR_avg", "description": "If left and right hemispheres were processed separately (less common), average them together.", "common": False, "alias": "h2a" }, "vstats": { "module": "unravel.voxel_stats.vstats", "description": "Compute voxel statistics.", "common": True, "alias": "vs" }, "vstats_mirror": { "module": "unravel.voxel_stats.mirror", "description": "Flip and optionally shift content of images in atlas space.", "common": False, "alias": "mirror" } }, "Cluster-wise stats": { "cstats_fdr_range": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.fdr_range", "description": "Get FDR q value range yielding clusters.", "common": True, "alias": "fr" }, "cstats_fdr": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.fdr", "description": "FDR-correct 1-p value map --> cluster map.", "common": True, "alias": "f" }, "cstats_mirror_indices": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.recursively_mirror_rev_cluster_indices", "description": "Recursively mirror cluster maps for validating clusters in left and right hemispheres.", "common": True, "alias": "mirror_ci" }, "cstats_validation": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.validation", "description": "Validate clusters w/ cell/label density measurements.", "common": True, "alias": "cv" }, "cstats_summary": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.summary", "description": "Summarize info on valid clusters (run after cluster_validation).", "common": True, "alias": "css" }, "cstats_org_data": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.org_data", "description": "Organize CSVs from custer_validation.", "common": False, "alias": "cod" }, "cstats_group_data": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.group_bilateral_data", "description": "Group bilateral cluster data.", "common": False, "alias": "cgd" }, "cstats": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.cstats", "description": "Compute cluster validation statistics.", "common": False, "alias": "cs" }, "cstats_index": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.index", "description": "Make a valid cluster map and sunburst plots.", "common": False, "alias": "ci" }, "cstats_brain_model": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.brain_model", "description": "Make a 3D brain model from a cluster map (for DSI studio)", "common": False, "alias": "cbm" }, "cstats_table": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.table", "description": "Create a table of cluster validation data.", "common": False, "alias": "ct" }, "cstats_prism": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.prism", "description": "Generate CSVs for bar charts in Prism.", "common": False, "alias": "prism" }, "cstats_legend": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.legend", "description": "Make a legend of regions in cluster maps.", "common": False, "alias": "legend" }, "cstats_sunburst": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.sunburst", "description": "Create a sunburst plot of regional volumes.", "common": False, "alias": "sunburst" }, "cstats_find_incongruent": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.find_incongruent_clusters", "description": "Find clusters where the effect direction does not match the prediction of cluster_fdr (for validation of non-directional p value maps).", "common": False, "alias": "cfi" }, "cstats_crop": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.crop", "description": "Crop clusters to a bounding box.", "common": False, "alias": "crop" }, "cstats_mean_IF": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.mean_IF", "description": "Compute mean immunofluo intensities for each cluster. ", "common": False, "alias": "cmi" }, "cstats_mean_IF_summary": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.mean_IF_summary", "description": "Plot mean immunofluo intensities for each cluster.", "common": False, "alias": "cmis" }, "effect_sizes": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.effect_sizes.effect_sizes", "description": "Calculate effect sizes for clusters.", "common": False, "alias": "es" }, "effect_sizes_sex_abs": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.effect_sizes.effect_sizes_by_sex__absolute", "description": "Calculate absolute effect sizes by sex.", "common": False, "alias": "esa" }, "effect_sizes_sex_rel": { "module": "unravel.cluster_stats.effect_sizes.effect_sizes_by_sex__relative", "description": "Calculate relative effect sizes by sex.", "common": False, "alias": "esr" } }, "Region-wise stats": { "rstats": { "module": "unravel.region_stats.rstats", "description": "Compute regional cell counts, regional volumes, or regional cell densities.", "common": True }, "rstats_summary": { "module": "unravel.region_stats.rstats_summary", "description": "Summarize regional cell densities.", "common": True, "alias": "rss" }, "rstats_mean_IF": { "module": "unravel.region_stats.rstats_mean_IF", "description": "Compute mean immunofluo intensities for regions.", "common": False, "alias": "rmi" }, "rstats_mean_IF_in_seg": { "module": "unravel.region_stats.rstats_mean_IF_in_segmented_voxels", "description": "Compute mean immunofluo intensities in segmented voxels.", "common": False, "alias": "rmiis" }, "rstats_mean_IF_summary": { "module": "unravel.region_stats.rstats_mean_IF_summary", "description": "Plot mean immunofluo intensities for regions.", "common": False, "alias": "rmis" } }, "Image I/O": { "io_metadata": { "module": "unravel.image_io.metadata", "description": "Handle image metadata.", "common": True, "alias": "m" }, "io_img": { "module": "unravel.image_io.io_img", "description": "Image I/O operations.", "common": False, "alias": "img" }, "io_nii_info": { "module": "unravel.image_io.nii_info", "description": "Print info about NIfTI files.", "common": True, "alias": "i" }, "io_nii_hd": { "module": "unravel.image_io.nii_hd", "description": "Print NIfTI headers.", "common": False, "alias": "hd" }, "io_nii": { "module": "unravel.image_io.io_nii", "description": "NIfTI I/O operations (binarize, convert data type, scale, etc).", "common": False, "alias": "nii" }, "io_reorient_nii": { "module": "unravel.image_io.reorient_nii", "description": "Reorient NIfTI files.", "common": False, "alias": "reorient" }, "io_nii_to_tifs": { "module": "unravel.image_io.nii_to_tifs", "description": "Convert NIfTI files to TIFFs.", "common": False, "alias": "n2t" }, "io_nii_to_zarr": { "module": "unravel.image_io.nii_to_zarr", "description": "Convert NIfTI files to Zarr.", "common": False, "alias": "n2z" }, "io_zarr_to_nii": { "module": "unravel.image_io.zarr_to_nii", "description": "Convert Zarr format to NIfTI.", "common": False, "alias": "z2n" }, "io_h5_to_tifs": { "module": "unravel.image_io.h5_to_tifs", "description": "Convert H5 files to TIFFs.", "common": False, "alias": "h5t" }, "io_tif_to_tifs": { "module": "unravel.image_io.tif_to_tifs", "description": "Convert TIF to TIFF series.", "common": False, "alias": "t2t" }, "io_img_to_npy": { "module": "unravel.image_io.img_to_npy", "description": "Convert images to Numpy arrays.", "common": False, "alias": "i2np" }, "io_img_to_points": { "module": "unravel.image_io.img_to_points", "description": "Convert and image into points coordinates.", "common": False, "alias": "i2p" }, "io_points_to_img": { "module": "unravel.image_io.points_to_img", "description": "Populate an empty image with point coordinates.", "common": False, "alias": "p2i" } }, "Image tools": { "img_avg": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.avg", "description": "Average NIfTI images.", "common": True, "alias": "avg" }, "img_unique": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.unique_intensities", "description": "Find unique intensities in images.", "common": True, "alias": "unique" }, "img_max": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.max", "description": "Print the max intensity value in an image.", "common": True, "alias": "max" }, "img_bbox": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.bbox", "description": "Compute bounding box of non-zero voxels in an image.", "common": False, "alias": "bbox" }, "img_spatial_avg": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.spatial_averaging", "description": "Perform spatial averaging on images.", "common": True, "alias": "spatial_avg" }, "img_rb": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.rb", "description": "Apply rolling ball filter to TIF images.", "common": True, "alias": "rb" }, "img_DoG": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.DoG", "description": "Apply Difference of Gaussian filter to TIF images.", "common": False, "alias": "DoG" }, "img_pad": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.pad", "description": "Pad images.", "common": False, "alias": "pad" }, "img_resample": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.resample", "description": "Resample image.nii.gz.", "common": False, "alias": "resample" }, "img_resample_points": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.resample_points", "description": "Resample a set of points [and save as an image].", "common": False, "alias": "resample_points" }, "img_extend": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.extend", "description": "Extend images (add padding to one side).", "common": False, "alias": "extend" }, "img_transpose": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.transpose_axes", "description": "Transpose image axes.", "common": False, "alias": "transpose" } }, "Atlas tools": { "atlas_relabel": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.atlas.relable_nii", "description": "Relabel atlas IDs.", "common": False, "alias": "relabel" }, "atlas_wireframe": { "module": "unravel.image_tools.atlas.wireframe", "description": "Make an atlas wireframe.", "common": False, "alias": "wf" } }, "Utilities": { "utils_get_samples": { "module": "unravel.utilities.get_samples:main", "description": "Test --pattern and --dirs args of script that batch process sample?? dirs.", "common": True, "alias": "s" }, "utils_agg_files": { "module": "unravel.utilities.aggregate_files_from_sample_dirs", "description": "Aggregate files from sample directories.", "common": True, "alias": "agg" }, "utils_agg_files_rec": { "module": "unravel.utilities.aggregate_files_recursively", "description": "Recursively aggregate files.", "common": False, "alias": "agg_rec" }, "utils_prepend": { "module": "unravel.utilities.prepend_conditions", "description": "Prepend conditions to files using sample_key.csv.", "common": True, "alias": "prepend" }, "utils_rename": { "module": "unravel.utilities.rename", "description": "Rename files.", "common": True, "alias": "name" }, "utils_toggle": { "module": "unravel.utilities.toggle_samples", "description": "Toggle sample?? folders for select batch processing.", "common": False, "alias": "toggle" }, "utils_clean_tifs": { "module": "unravel.utilities.clean_tif_dirs", "description": "Clean TIF directories (no spaces, move non-tifs).", "common": False, "alias": "clean_tifs" }, "utils_points_compressor": { "module": "unravel.utilities.points_compressor", "description": "Pack or unpack point data in a CSV file or summarize the number of points per region.", "common": False, "alias": "points_compressor" } } } print("\n[magenta bold]Category[/], [cyan bold]Command[/], [green]Alias (-a), [purple3]Module (-m)[/], [grey50]Description (-d), \n") for category, cmds in commands.items(): if args.common: cmds = {k: v for k, v in cmds.items() if v.get("common")} if args.filter: # Apply filtering logic filtered_cmds = {} for cmd, details in cmds.items(): output = f"{cmd}" if args.module: output += f" {details['module']}" if args.aliases: output += f" {details.get('alias', '')}" if args.description: output += f" {details['description']}" # Perform filtering on the constructed output string if, output, re.IGNORECASE): filtered_cmds[cmd] = details cmds = filtered_cmds if not cmds: continue print(f"[magenta bold]{category}:") for cmd, details in cmds.items(): output = f" [cyan bold]{cmd}[/]" if args.module: output += f" [purple3]{details['module']}[/]" if args.aliases: output += f" [green]{details.get('alias', '')}[/]" if args.description: output += f" [grey50]{details['description']}[/]" print(output)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()