#!/usr/bin/env python3
Use ``utils_rename`` (``name``) from UNRAVEL to recursively rename files and/or directories by replacing text in filenames.
utils_rename -o old_text -n new_text [-t files or dirs or both] [--recursive] [--dry_run] [-v]
from pathlib import Path
from rich.traceback import install
from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM
from unravel.core.config import Configuration
from unravel.core.utils import log_command, verbose_start_msg, verbose_end_msg
def parse_args():
parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__)
reqs = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
reqs.add_argument('-o', '--old_text', type=str, help='Text to be replaced in the filenames', action=SM)
reqs.add_argument('-n', '--new_text', type=str, help='Text to replace with in the filenames', action=SM)
opts = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments')
opts.add_argument('-t', '--type', help='Specify what to rename: "files", "dirs", or "both" (default: both)', choices=['files', 'dirs', 'both'], default='both', action=SM)
opts.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', help='Perform the renaming recursively', action='store_true', default=False)
opts.add_argument('-d', '--dry_run', help='Print old and new names without performing the renaming', action='store_true', default=False)
general = parser.add_argument_group('General arguments')
general.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. Default: False', action='store_true', default=False)
return parser.parse_args()
def rename_files(directory, old_text, new_text, recursive=False, rename_type='both', dry_run=False):
Renames files and/or directories in the specified directory, replacing old_text
with new_text in the filenames. Can operate recursively and selectively based
on type.
- directory (Path): the directory to search for files and/or directories
- old_text (str): the text to be replaced in the filenames
- new_text (str): the text to replace with in the filenames
- recursive (bool): whether to perform the renaming recursively
- rename_type (str): what to rename: "files", "dirs", or "both" (default: both)
- dry_run (bool): if true, print changes without making them
if recursive:
pattern = '**/*'
pattern = '*'
for path in Path(directory).glob(pattern):
if (rename_type == 'both' or
(rename_type == 'files' and path.is_file()) or
(rename_type == 'dirs' and path.is_dir())):
if old_text in path.name:
new_name = path.name.replace(old_text, new_text)
new_path = path.parent / new_name
if dry_run:
print(f"Would rename '{path}' to '{new_path}'")
print(f"Renamed '{path}' to '{new_path}'")
def main():
args = parse_args()
Configuration.verbose = args.verbose
rename_files(Path().cwd(), args.old_text, args.new_text, args.recursive, args.type, args.dry_run)
if __name__ == '__main__':