Source code for unravel.warp.to_native

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Use ``warp_to_native`` from UNRAVEL to warp an atlas space image to tissue space and scale to full resolution.

    - ./parameters/metadata.txt (from io_metadata)

Python usage:
    >>> import unravel.warp.to_native as to_native
    >>> native_img = to_native(sample_path, reg_outputs, fixed_reg_in, moving_img_path, metadata_rel_path, reg_res, miracl, zoom_order, interpol, output=None)
    >>> # native_img is an np.ndarray

    warp_to_native -m <path/image_to_warp_from_atlas_space.nii.gz> [-o <path/native_image.zarr>] [-fri autofl_50um_masked_fixed_reg_input.nii.gz] [-i multiLabel] [-md parameters/metadata.txt] [-ro reg_outputs] [--reg_res 50] [-zo 0] [-mi] [-d list of paths] [-p sample??] [-v]

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from rich import print
from import Live
from rich.traceback import install
from scipy.ndimage import zoom

from unravel.core.config import Configuration
from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM
from unravel.core.img_io import load_image_metadata_from_txt, save_as_zarr, save_as_nii
from unravel.core.img_tools import reverse_reorient_for_raw_to_nii_conv
from unravel.core.utils import log_command, verbose_start_msg, verbose_end_msg, get_samples, initialize_progress_bar, print_func_name_args_times
from unravel.warp.warp import warp

[docs] def parse_args(): parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__) reqs = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments') reqs.add_argument('-m', '--moving_img', help='path/image.nii.gz to warp from atlas space', required=True, action=SM) opts = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments') opts.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Save as rel_path/native_image.zarr (fast) or rel_path/native_image.nii.gz if provided', default=None, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-fri', '--fixed_reg_in', help='Fixed input for registration (``reg``). Default: autofl_50um_masked_fixed_reg_input.nii.gz', default="autofl_50um_masked_fixed_reg_input.nii.gz", action=SM) opts.add_argument('-i', '--interpol', help='Interpolator for warping with ants.apply_transforms (nearestNeighbor, multiLabel [default], linear, bSpline)', default="multiLabel", action=SM) opts.add_argument('-md', '--metadata', help='path/metadata.txt. Default: parameters/metadata.txt', default="parameters/metadata.txt", action=SM) opts.add_argument('-ro', '--reg_outputs', help="Name of folder w/ outputs from registration. Default: reg_outputs", default="reg_outputs", action=SM) opts.add_argument('-r', '--reg_res', help='Resolution of registration inputs in microns. Default: 50', default='50',type=int, action=SM) opts.add_argument('-zo', '--zoom_order', help='SciPy zoom order for scaling to full res. Default: 0 (nearest-neighbor)', default='0',type=int, action=SM) compatability = parser.add_argument_group('Compatability options') compatability.add_argument('-mi', '--miracl', help='Mode for compatibility (accounts for tif to nii reorienting)', action='store_true', default=False) general = parser.add_argument_group('General arguments') general.add_argument('-d', '--dirs', help='Paths to sample?? dirs and/or dirs containing them (space-separated) for batch processing. Default: current dir', nargs='*', default=None, action=SM) general.add_argument('-p', '--pattern', help='Pattern for directories to process. Default: sample??', default='sample??', action=SM) general.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. Default: False', action='store_true', default=False) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def calculate_resampled_padded_dimensions(original_dimensions, xy_res, z_res, target_res=50, pad_fraction=0.15, miracl=False): # Calculate zoom factors for xy and z dimensions zf_xy = xy_res / target_res zf_z = z_res / target_res # Calculate expected dimensions of the resampled image (reg input is typically 50um) resampled_dimensions = [ round(dim * zf) for dim, zf in zip(original_dimensions, (zf_xy, zf_xy, zf_z)) ] # Calculate padding for the resampled image (15% of the resampled dimensions) padded_dimensions = [] for dim in resampled_dimensions: # Calculate pad width for one side, then round to the nearest integer pad_width_one_side = np.round(pad_fraction * dim) # Calculate total padding for the dimension (both sides) total_pad = 2 * pad_width_one_side # Calculate new dimension after padding new_dim = dim + total_pad padded_dimensions.append(int(new_dim)) # Swap axes if miracl compatibility mode is True if miracl: resampled_dimensions[0], resampled_dimensions[1] = resampled_dimensions[1], resampled_dimensions[0] padded_dimensions[0], padded_dimensions[1] = padded_dimensions[1], padded_dimensions[0] return np.array(resampled_dimensions), np.array(padded_dimensions)
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def scale_to_full_res(ndarray, full_res_dims, zoom_order=0): """Scale ndarray to match x, y, z dimensions provided as ndarray (order=0 is nearest-neighbor). Returns scaled ndarray.""" zoom_factors = (full_res_dims[0] / ndarray.shape[0], full_res_dims[1] / ndarray.shape[1], full_res_dims[2] / ndarray.shape[2]) scaled_img = zoom(ndarray, zoom_factors, order=zoom_order) return scaled_img
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def to_native(sample_path, reg_outputs, fixed_reg_in, moving_img_path, metadata_rel_path, reg_res, miracl, zoom_order, interpol, output=None): """Warp image from atlas space to tissue space and scale to full resolution""" # Warp the moving image to tissue space reg_outputs_path = sample_path / reg_outputs warp_outputs_dir = reg_outputs_path / "warp_outputs" warp_outputs_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) warped_nii_path = str(warp_outputs_dir / str(Path(moving_img_path).name).replace(".nii.gz", "_in_tissue_space.nii.gz")) if not Path(warped_nii_path).exists(): print(f'\n Warping the moving image to tissue space\n') fixed_img_for_reg_path = str(reg_outputs_path / fixed_reg_in) warp(reg_outputs_path, moving_img_path, fixed_img_for_reg_path, warped_nii_path, inverse=False, interpol=interpol) # Lower bit depth to match atlas space image warped_nii = nib.load(warped_nii_path) moving_nii = nib.load(moving_img_path) warped_img = np.asanyarray(warped_nii.dataobj, dtype=moving_nii.header.get_data_dtype()).squeeze() # Load resolutions and dimensions of full res image for scaling metadata_path = sample_path / metadata_rel_path xy_res, z_res, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim = load_image_metadata_from_txt(metadata_path) if xy_res is None: print(" [red1]./sample??/parameters/metadata.txt is missing. Generate w/ ``io_metadata``") import sys ; sys.exit() original_dimensions = np.array([x_dim, y_dim, z_dim]) # Calculate resampled and padded dimensions resampled_dims, padded_dims = calculate_resampled_padded_dimensions(original_dimensions, xy_res, z_res, reg_res, pad_fraction=0.15, miracl=miracl) # Determine where to start cropping (combined padding size) // 2 for padding on one side crop_mins = (padded_dims - resampled_dims) // 2 # Find img dims of warped image lacking padding crop_sizes = resampled_dims # Perform cropping to remove padding warped_img = warped_img[ crop_mins[0]:crop_mins[0] + crop_sizes[0], crop_mins[1]:crop_mins[1] + crop_sizes[1], crop_mins[2]:crop_mins[2] + crop_sizes[2] ] # Reorient if needed if miracl: warped_img = reverse_reorient_for_raw_to_nii_conv(warped_img) # Scale to full resolution native_img = scale_to_full_res(warped_img, original_dimensions, zoom_order=zoom_order) # Save as .nii.gz or .zarr if output is not None: if str(output).endswith(".zarr"): save_as_zarr(native_img, output) elif str(output).endswith(".nii.gz"): save_as_nii(native_img, output, xy_res, z_res, native_img.dtype) return native_img
[docs] @log_command def main(): install() args = parse_args() Configuration.verbose = args.verbose verbose_start_msg() sample_paths = get_samples(args.dirs, args.pattern, args.verbose) progress, task_id = initialize_progress_bar(len(sample_paths), "[red]Processing samples...") with Live(progress): for sample_path in sample_paths: if args.output is not None: output = sample_path / args.output else: output = None to_native(sample_path, args.reg_outputs, args.fixed_reg_in, args.moving_img, args.metadata, args.reg_res, args.miracl, args.zoom_order, args.interpol, output=output) progress.update(task_id, advance=1) verbose_end_msg()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()