#!/usr/bin/env python3
Use ``cstats_prism`` (``prism``) from UNRAVEL to organize data for clusters for plotting in Prism.
`*`.csv from ``cstats_org_data`` (in working dir) or ``cstats_mean_IF``
CSV naming conventions:
- Condition: first word before '_' in the file name (use ``utils_prepend`` if needed)
- Sample: second word in file name
Example unilateral inputs:
- condition1_sample01_<cell|label>_density_data.csv (columns: sample, cluster_ID, <cell_count|label_volume|mean_IF_intensity>, [cluster_volume], [cell_density|label_density], ...)
- condition1_sample02_<cell|label>_density_data.csv
- condition2_sample03_<cell|label>_density_data.csv
- condition2_sample04_<cell|label>_density_data.csv
Example bilateral inputs (if any file has _LH.csv or _RH.csv, the command will attempt to pool data):
- condition1_sample01_<cell|label>_density_data_LH.csv
- condition1_sample01_<cell|label>_density_data_RH.csv
Columns in the input .csv files:
sample, cluster_ID, <cell_count|label_volume|mean_IF_intensity>, [cluster_volume], [cell_density|label_density], ...
- Outputs saved in ./cluster_validation_summary/
- Cluster order follows -ids order
- <cell_count|label_volume|mean_IF_intensity>_summary.csv
- [<cell_density|label_density>_summary.csv]
- [<cell_density|label_density>_summary_across_clusters.csv]
- [cluster_volume_summary.csv]
- cstats_table saves valid_clusters_dir/valid_cluster_IDs_sorted_by_anatomy.txt
cstats_prism [-ids 1 2 3] [-p /path/to/csv/files/from/cstats_validation_or_cstats_mean_IF] [-v]
import pandas as pd
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from rich import print
from rich.traceback import install
from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM
from unravel.core.config import Configuration
from unravel.core.utils import log_command, verbose_start_msg, verbose_end_msg
def parse_args():
parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__)
opts = parser.add_argument_group('Optional args')
opts.add_argument('-ids', '--valid_cluster_ids', help='Space-separated list of valid cluster IDs to include in the summary.', nargs='*', type=int, default=None, action=SM)
opts.add_argument('-p', '--path', help='Path to the directory containing the CSV files from ``cstats_validation`` or ``cstats_mean_IF``. Default: current directory', action=SM)
general = parser.add_argument_group('General arguments')
general.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. Default: False', action='store_true', default=False)
return parser.parse_args()
# TODO: Address this warning:
# /usr/local/UNRAVEL_dev/unravel/cluster_stats/prism.py:190: PerformanceWarning: dropping on a non-lexsorted multi-index without a level parameter may impact performance.
# density_col_summary_df_sum = density_col_summary_df_sum.drop('cluster_ID').reset_index().T
# TODO: Simplify and improve handling when data is missing or empty
def sort_samples(sample_names):
# Extract the numeric part of the sample names and sort by it
return sorted(sample_names, key=lambda x: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, x))))
def generate_summary_table(csv_files, data_column_name):
# Create a dictionary to hold data for each condition
data_by_condition = {}
# Check if any files contain hemisphere indicators
has_hemisphere = any('_LH.csv' in str(file) or '_RH.csv' in str(file) for file in csv_files)
# Loop through each file in the working directory
for file in csv_files:
# Extract the condition and sample name
parts = str(Path(file).name).split('_')
condition = parts[0]
sample = parts[1]
if has_hemisphere:
# if has_hemisphere, pool data from LH and RH files
if str(file).endswith('_RH.csv'):
continue # Skip RH files
if str(file).endswith('_LH.csv'):
LH_df = pd.read_csv(file, usecols=['sample', 'cluster_ID', data_column_name])
RH_file = str(file).replace('_LH.csv', '_RH.csv')
if not Path(RH_file).exists():
print(f"[red] {RH_file} is missing")
with open(file.parent / "missing_csv_files.txt", 'a') as f:
f.write(f"{RH_file} is missing\n")
import sys ; sys.exit()
RH_df = pd.read_csv(str(file).replace('_LH.csv', '_RH.csv'), usecols=['sample', 'cluster_ID', data_column_name])
# Sum the data_col of the LH and RH dataframes
if data_column_name == 'cell_count' or data_column_name == 'label_volume' or data_column_name == 'cluster_volume':
df = pd.concat([LH_df, RH_df], ignore_index=True).groupby(['sample', 'cluster_ID']).agg( # Group by sample and cluster_ID
**{data_column_name: pd.NamedAgg(column=data_column_name, aggfunc='sum')} # Sum cell_count or label_volume, unpacking the dict into keyword arguments for the .agg() method
).reset_index() # Reset the index to avoid a multi-index dataframe
elif data_column_name == 'mean_IF_intensity':
df = pd.concat([LH_df, RH_df], ignore_index=True).groupby(['sample', 'cluster_ID']).agg( # Group by sample and cluster_ID
**{data_column_name: pd.NamedAgg(column=data_column_name, aggfunc='mean')} # Mean of mean_IF_intensity, unpacking the dict into keyword arguments for the .agg() method
# Load the CSV file into a pandas dataframe if no hemisphere distinction
df = pd.read_csv(file, usecols=['sample', 'cluster_ID', data_column_name])
# Ensure df exists and has data before proceeding
if df is None or df.empty:
print(f"[yellow] Skipping {file} due to missing or empty data.")
# Set the cluster_ID as index and select the density column
df.set_index('cluster_ID', inplace=True)
df = df[[data_column_name]]
# Rename the density column with the sample name to avoid column name collision during concat
df.rename(columns={data_column_name: sample}, inplace=True)
# If the condition is not already in the dictionary, initialize it with the dataframe
if condition not in data_by_condition:
data_by_condition[condition] = df
# Concatenate the new dataframe with the existing one for the same condition
data_by_condition[condition] = pd.concat([data_by_condition[condition], df], axis=1)
# Loop through each condition and sort the columns by sample number
for condition in data_by_condition:
# Get current columns for the condition
current_columns = data_by_condition[condition].columns
# Sort the columns
sorted_columns = sort_samples(current_columns)
# Reindex the DataFrame with the sorted columns
data_by_condition[condition] = data_by_condition[condition][sorted_columns]
# Concatenate all condition dataframes side by side
all_conditions_df = pd.concat(data_by_condition.values(), axis=1, keys=data_by_condition.keys())
# Reset the index so that 'Cluster_ID' becomes a column
return all_conditions_df
def main():
args = parse_args()
Configuration.verbose = args.verbose
path = Path(args.path) if args.path else Path.cwd()
# Load all .csv files
csv_files = list(path.glob('*.csv'))
if not csv_files:
print(f"\n[red] No CSV files found in {path}.[/]")
import sys ; sys.exit()
# Print CSVs in the working dir
if args.verbose:
print(f'\n[bold]CSVs in {path} to process (the first word defines the groups): \n')
for filename in csv_files:
print(f' {filename.name}')
# Load the first .csv file to check for data columns and set the appropriate column names
first_df = pd.read_csv(csv_files[0])
if 'cell_count' in first_df.columns:
data_col, density_col = 'cell_count', 'cell_density'
elif 'label_volume' in first_df.columns:
data_col, density_col = 'label_volume', 'label_density'
elif 'mean_IF_intensity' in first_df.columns:
data_col, density_col = 'mean_IF_intensity', None
print("Error: Unrecognized data columns in input files.")
# Generate a summary table for the cell_count or label_volume data
data_col_summary_df = generate_summary_table(csv_files, data_col) # Columns: sample, cluster_ID, cell_count|label_volume|mean_IF_intensity
# Generate a summary table for the cluster volume data
if 'cluster_volume' in first_df.columns:
cluster_volume_summary_df = generate_summary_table(csv_files, 'cluster_volume') # Columns: sample, cluster_ID, cluster_volume
cluster_volume_summary_df = None
# Generate a summary table for the cell_density or label_density data
if density_col is not None:
# Separate the `cluster_ID` column from both DataFrames
cluster_ids = data_col_summary_df.iloc[:, 0] # First column (cluster_ID)
# Divide all other columns (excluding the first column)
density_values = data_col_summary_df.iloc[:, 1:] / cluster_volume_summary_df.iloc[:, 1:]
if density_col == 'label_density':
density_values = density_values * 100
# Combine `cluster_ID` with the calculated density values
density_col_summary_df = pd.concat([cluster_ids, density_values], axis=1)
density_col_summary_df = None
# Save the summary tables to .csv files
output_dir = path / '_prism'
data_col_summary_df.to_csv(output_dir / f'{data_col}_summary.csv', index=False)
if 'cluster_volume' in first_df.columns:
density_col_summary_df.to_csv(output_dir / f'{density_col}_summary.csv', index=False)
cluster_volume_summary_df.to_csv(output_dir / 'cluster_volume_summary.csv', index=False)
# Exclude clusters that are not in the list of valid clusters
if args.valid_cluster_ids is not None:
data_col_summary_df = data_col_summary_df[data_col_summary_df['cluster_ID'].isin(args.valid_cluster_ids)]
if cluster_volume_summary_df is not None:
cluster_volume_summary_df = cluster_volume_summary_df[cluster_volume_summary_df['cluster_ID'].isin(args.valid_cluster_ids)]
if density_col_summary_df is not None:
density_col_summary_df = density_col_summary_df[density_col_summary_df['cluster_ID'].isin(args.valid_cluster_ids)]
# Sort data frames such that the 'cluster_ID' column matches the order of clusters in args.valid_cluster_ids
data_col_summary_df = data_col_summary_df.sort_values(by='cluster_ID', key=lambda x: x.map({cluster: i for i, cluster in enumerate(args.valid_cluster_ids)}))
if cluster_volume_summary_df is not None:
cluster_volume_summary_df = cluster_volume_summary_df.sort_values(by='cluster_ID', key=lambda x: x.map({cluster: i for i, cluster in enumerate(args.valid_cluster_ids)}))
if density_col_summary_df is not None:
density_col_summary_df = density_col_summary_df.sort_values(by='cluster_ID', key=lambda x: x.map({cluster: i for i, cluster in enumerate(args.valid_cluster_ids)}))
# For a summary across clusters, sum each column in the summary tables other than the 'cluster_ID' column, which could be dropped
data_col_summary_df_sum = data_col_summary_df.sum()
if cluster_volume_summary_df is not None:
cluster_volume_summary_df_sum = cluster_volume_summary_df.sum()
# For a summary across clusters, calculate the density sum from the sum of the cell_count or label_volume and cluster_volume sums
if 'cell_count' in first_df.columns:
density_col_summary_df_sum = data_col_summary_df_sum / cluster_volume_summary_df_sum
elif 'label_volume' in first_df.columns:
density_col_summary_df_sum = data_col_summary_df_sum / cluster_volume_summary_df_sum * 100
# For a summary across clusters, organize the df like the original summary tables
if cluster_volume_summary_df is not None and density_col_summary_df is not None:
multi_index = data_col_summary_df.columns
density_col_summary_df_sum.columns = multi_index
density_col_summary_df_sum = density_col_summary_df_sum.drop('cluster_ID').reset_index().T
# Save the valid cluster summary tables to .csv files
if args.valid_cluster_ids is not None:
data_col_summary_df.to_csv(output_dir / f'{data_col}_summary_for_valid_clusters.csv', index=False)
if 'cluster_volume' in first_df.columns:
density_col_summary_df.to_csv(output_dir / f'{density_col}_summary_for_valid_clusters.csv', index=False)
density_col_summary_df_sum.to_csv(output_dir / f'{density_col}_summary_across_valid_clusters.csv', index=False)
cluster_volume_summary_df.to_csv(output_dir / 'valid_cluster_volume_summary.csv', index=False)
if 'cluster_volume' in first_df.columns:
density_col_summary_df_sum.to_csv(output_dir / f'{density_col}_summary_across_clusters.csv', index=False)
if args.verbose:
print(f"\n Saved CSVs for plotting with Prism to[bright_magenta]{output_dir}")
if __name__ == '__main__':