#!/usr/bin/env python3
Use ``cstats_summary`` (``css``) from UNRAVEL to aggregate and analyze cluster validation data from ``cstats_validation``.
- ``cstats_validation``
- The name of the rev_cluster_index file should relate to the name of the cluster validation directory.
- cluster_index_dir = Path(args.moving_img from cstats_validation).name w/o "_rev_cluster_index" and ".nii.gz"
- _cluster_info.txt should be named like: cluster_index_dir + "_cluster_info.txt"
- vstats_path / 'stats' / cluster_correction_dir should contain:
- <cluster_index_dir>_rev_cluster_index[_LH | _RH].nii.gz, <cluster_index_dir>_cluster_info.txt, and p_value_threshold.txt
- Cell/label density CSVs from from ``cstats_validation``
- The current directory should not have other folders when running this script for the first time.
- Directories from ``cstats_summary`` or ``cstats_org_data`` are ok though.
- The sample_key.csv file should have the following format:
- For each cluster map, the following output directories are created:
- 3D_brains: Files 3D brain models of valid clusters
- valid_clusters_tables_and_legend: Excel files with tables summarizing top regions and defining region abbreviations (for SI tables)
- _valid_clusters: valid cluster maps, CSVs for sunburst plots (plot with Flourish), etc.
- _valid_clusters_stats: test results for adding asterisks to the xlsx files, etc.
- _valid_clusters_prism: CSVs for making bar graphs in GraphPad Prism (refer to the xlsx files for annotations)
``cstats_summary`` runs these commands:
- ``cstats_org_data``, ``cstats_group_data``, ``utils_prepend``, ``cstats``, ``cstats_index``, ``cstats_brain_model``, ``cstats_table``, ``cstats_prism``, ``cstats_legend``
- Only process one comparison at a time. If you have multiple comparisons, run this script separately for each comparison in separate directories.
- Then aggregate the results as needed (e.g. to make a legend with all relevant abbeviations, copy the .xlsx files to a central location and run ``cstats_legend``).
- See ``cstats`` for more information on -cp and -hg.
If you need to rerun this script, delete the following directories and files in the current working directory:
find . -name _valid_clusters -exec rm -rf {} \; -o -name cluster_validation_summary_t-test.csv -exec rm -f {} \; -o -name cluster_validation_summary_tukey.csv -exec rm -f {} \; -o -name 3D_brains -exec rm -rf {} \; -o -name valid_clusters_tables_and_legend -exec rm -rf {} \; -o -name _valid_clusters_stats -exec rm -rf {} \;
If you want to aggregate CSVs for sunburst plots of valid clusters, run this in a root directory:
find . -name "valid_clusters_sunburst.csv" -exec sh -c 'cp {} ./$(basename $(dirname $(dirname {})))_$(basename {})' \;
Likewise, you can aggregate raw data (raw_data_for_t-test_pooled.csv), stats (t-test_results.csv), and prism files (cell_density_summary_for_valid_clusters.csv).
Usage if running directly after ``cstats_validation``:
cstats_summary -c <path/config.ini> -cvd 'psilocybin_v_saline_tstat1_q<asterisk>' -vd <path/vstats_dir> -sk <path/sample_key.csv> --groups <group1> <group2> -hg <higher_group> [-d <list of paths>] [-v]
Usage from a cluster correction dir after ``cstats_validation``:
cstats_summary -c cluster_summary.ini -cvd 'psilocybin_v_saline_tstat1_q<asterisk>' -vd ../.. -sk <path/sample_key.csv> --groups <group1> <group2> -hg <higher_group> [-d <list of paths>] [-v]
Usage if running after ``cstats_validation`` and ``cstats_org_data``:
cstats_summary -c <path/config.ini> -sk <path/sample_key.csv> --groups <group1> <group2> -hg <higher_group> [-d <list of paths>] [-v]
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from rich import print
from rich.traceback import install
from unravel.cluster_stats.org_data import cp
from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM
from unravel.core.config import Configuration
from unravel.core.utils import log_command, verbose_start_msg, verbose_end_msg, load_config
from unravel.utilities.aggregate_files_recursively import find_and_copy_files
def parse_args():
parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__)
reqs = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
reqs.add_argument('-c', '--config', help='Path to the config.ini file. Default: unravel/cluster_stats/summary.ini', default=Path(__file__).parent / 'summary.ini', action=SM)
# cstats_org_data -d <list of experiment directories> -cvd '*' -td <target_dir> -vd <path/vstats_dir> -v
cstats_org_data = parser.add_argument_group('Optional args for cstats_org_data')
cstats_org_data.add_argument('-d', '--dirs', help='Paths to sample?? dirs and/or dirs containing them (space-separated) for batch processing. Default: current dir', nargs='*', default=None, action=SM)
cstats_org_data.add_argument('-cvd', '--cluster_val_dirs', help='Glob pattern matching cluster validation output dirs to copy data from (relative to ./sample??/clusters/; for cstats_org_data', action=SM)
cstats_org_data.add_argument('-vd', '--vstats_path', help='path/vstats_dir (dir vstats was run from) to copy p val, info, and index files (for cstats_org_data)', action=SM)
# utils_prepend -c <path/sample_key.csv> -f -r
utils_prepend = parser.add_argument_group('Optional args for utils_prepend')
utils_prepend.add_argument('-sk', '--sample_key', help='path/sample_key.csv w/ directory names and conditions (for utils_prepend)', action=SM)
# cstats --groups <group1> <group2>
cstats = parser.add_argument_group('Optional args for cstats')
cstats.add_argument('--groups', help='List of group prefixes. 2 groups --> t-test. >2 --> Tukey\'s tests (The first 2 groups reflect the main comparison for validation rates; for cstats)', nargs='*', action=SM)
cstats.add_argument('-cp', '--condition_prefixes', help='Condition prefixes to group related data (optional for cstats)', nargs='*', default=None, action=SM)
cstats.add_argument('-hg', '--higher_group', help='Specify the group that is expected to have a higher mean based on the direction of the p value map', required=True)
general = parser.add_argument_group('General arguments')
general.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. Default: False', action='store_true', default=False)
return parser.parse_args()
# TODO: Could add a progress bar that advances after each subdir, but need to adapt running of the first few scripts for this. Include check for completeness (all samples have csvs [from both hemis]). Review outputs and output folders and consider consolidating them. Could make cells vs. labels are arg. Could add a raw data output organized for the SI table. # The valid cluster sunburst could have the val dir name and be copied to a central location
# TODO: Consider moving find_and_copy_files() to unravel/unravel/utils.py
# TODO: Move cell vs. label arg from config back to argparse and make it a required arg to prevent accidentally using the wrong metric
# TODO: Add a reset option to delete all output files and directories from the current working directory
# TODO: Aggregate CSVs for valid cluster sunburst plots
# TODO: Sort the overall valid cluster sunburst csv
# TODO: Check if irrelevant directories are present in the current working directory and warn the user
# TODO: Replace this (find . -name "valid_clusters_sunburst.csv" -exec sh -c 'cp {} ./$(basename $(dirname $(dirname {})))_$(basename {})' \;) w/ example of utils_agg_files_rec
# TODO: Consider using env_var.sh instead of unravel/cluster_stats/summary.ini
# TODO: Could include warning if directories are present in the current working directory that should not be there
# TODO: Could make it possible to generate data for all clusters, not just valid clusters
# TODO: Given that the cluster_index_dir and cluster_info.txt names should be related, could add a check for this (perhaps also simplify logic for finding the cluster_info.txt file)
# TODO: cluster_mean_IF_summary_ttest.csv has the p-value column named as p-adj even for t-tests. Could change this to p_val
def run_script(script_name, script_args):
"""Run a command/script using subprocess that respects the system's PATH and captures output."""
# Convert all script arguments to string
script_args = [str(arg) for arg in script_args]
command = [script_name] + script_args
subprocess.run(command, check=True, stdout=None, stderr=None)
def main():
args = parse_args()
Configuration.verbose = args.verbose
# Check for subdirectories in the current working directory
subdirs = [d for d in Path.cwd().iterdir() if d.is_dir()]
if len(subdirs) == 0 and not args.dirs:
print(f"\n [red1]No subdirectories found in the current directory. Provide -d/--dirs so that data from sample??/clusters/ can be aggregated and processed.\n")
cfg = load_config(args.config)
# Run cstats_org_data
if args.dirs and args.cluster_val_dirs and args.vstats_path:
org_data_args = [
'-d', *args.dirs,
'-p', cfg.org_data.pattern,
'-cvd', args.cluster_val_dirs,
'-vd', args.vstats_path,
'-dt', cfg.org_data.density_type,
'-pvt', cfg.org_data.p_val_txt
if args.verbose:
run_script('cstats_org_data', org_data_args)
# Run cstats_group_data
if args.verbose:
run_script('cstats_group_data', ['-v'])
run_script('cstats_group_data', [])
# Run utils_prepend
if args.sample_key:
prepend_conditions_args = [
'-sk', args.sample_key,
if args.verbose:
run_script('utils_prepend', prepend_conditions_args)
# Run cstats
if args.groups:
stats_args = [
'--groups', *args.groups,
'-alt', cfg.stats.alternate,
'-pvt', cfg.org_data.p_val_txt,
'-hg', args.higher_group
if args.condition_prefixes:
stats_args.append(['-cp', *args.condition_prefixes])
if args.verbose:
run_script('cstats', stats_args)
# Iterate over all subdirectories in the current working directory and run the following scripts
for subdir in [d for d in Path.cwd().iterdir() if d.is_dir() and d.name != '3D_brains' and d.name != 'valid_clusters_tables_and_legend']:
# Load all .csv files in the current subdirectory
csv_files = list(subdir.glob('*.csv'))
if not csv_files:
continue # Skip directories with no CSV files
stats_output = subdir / '_valid_clusters_stats'
valid_clusters_ids_txt = stats_output / 'valid_cluster_IDs_t-test.txt' if len(args.groups) == 2 else stats_output / 'valid_cluster_IDs_tukey.txt'
if valid_clusters_ids_txt.exists():
with open(valid_clusters_ids_txt, 'r') as f:
valid_cluster_ids = f.read().split()
rev_cluster_index_path = subdir / f'{subdir.name}_rev_cluster_index.nii.gz'
if not Path(rev_cluster_index_path).exists():
rev_cluster_index_path = subdir / f'{subdir.name}_rev_cluster_index_RH.nii.gz'
if not Path(rev_cluster_index_path).exists():
rev_cluster_index_path = subdir / f'{subdir.name}_rev_cluster_index_LH.nii.gz'
if not Path(rev_cluster_index_path).exists():
rev_cluster_index_path = next(subdir.glob("*rev_cluster_index*"))
if rev_cluster_index_path is None:
print(f" No valid cluster index file found in {subdir}. Skipping...")
continue # Skip this directory and move to the next
valid_clusters_index_dir = subdir / cfg.index.valid_clusters_dir
if len(valid_cluster_ids) == 0:
print(f" [red1]No clusters were valid for {subdir.name}. Skipping...")
# Run cstats_index
index_args = [
'-i', rev_cluster_index_path,
'-ids', *valid_cluster_ids,
'-vcd', valid_clusters_index_dir,
'-a', cfg.index.atlas,
'-scsv', cfg.index.sunburst_csv_path,
'-in', cfg.index.info_csv_path
if cfg.index.output_rgb_lut:
if args.verbose:
run_script('cstats_index', index_args)
# Run cstats_brain_model
valid_cluster_index_path = valid_clusters_index_dir / str(rev_cluster_index_path.name).replace('.nii.gz', f'_{cfg.index.valid_clusters_dir}.nii.gz')
brain_args = [
'-i', valid_cluster_index_path,
'-ax', cfg.brain.axis,
'-s', cfg.brain.shift,
'-sa', cfg.brain.split_atlas,
'-csv', cfg.brain.csv_path
if cfg.brain.mirror:
if args.verbose:
run_script('cstats_brain_model', brain_args)
# Aggregate files from cstats_brain_model
if cfg.brain.mirror:
find_and_copy_files(f'*{cfg.index.valid_clusters_dir}_ABA_WB.nii.gz', subdir, Path().cwd() / '3D_brains')
find_and_copy_files(f'*{cfg.index.valid_clusters_dir}_ABA.nii.gz', subdir, Path().cwd() / '3D_brains')
find_and_copy_files(f'*{cfg.index.valid_clusters_dir}_rgba.txt', subdir, Path().cwd() / '3D_brains')
# Run cstats_table
table_args = [
'-vcd', valid_clusters_index_dir,
'-t', cfg.table.top_regions,
'-pv', cfg.table.percent_vol,
'-csv', cfg.index.info_csv_path,
'-rgb', cfg.table.rgbs
if args.verbose:
run_script('cstats_table', table_args)
find_and_copy_files('*_valid_clusters_table.xlsx', subdir, Path().cwd() / 'valid_clusters_tables_and_legend')
if Path('valid_clusters_tables_and_legend').exists():
# Run cstats_prism
valid_cluster_ids_sorted_txt = valid_clusters_index_dir / 'valid_cluster_IDs_sorted_by_anatomy.txt'
if valid_cluster_ids_sorted_txt.exists():
with open(valid_cluster_ids_sorted_txt, 'r') as f:
valid_cluster_ids_sorted = f.read().split()
valid_cluster_ids_sorted = valid_cluster_ids
if len(valid_cluster_ids_sorted) > 0:
prism_args = [
'-ids', *valid_cluster_ids_sorted,
'-p', subdir,
if args.verbose:
run_script('cstats_prism', prism_args)
print(f"\n No valid cluster IDs found for {subdir}. Skipping cstats_prism...\n")
# Copy the atlas and binarize it for visualization in DSI studio
dest_atlas = Path().cwd() / '3D_brains' / Path(cfg.index.atlas).name
if not dest_atlas.exists() and dest_atlas.parent.exists():
cp(cfg.index.atlas, dest_atlas)
atlas_nii = nib.load(dest_atlas)
atlas_img = np.asanyarray(atlas_nii.dataobj, dtype=atlas_nii.header.get_data_dtype()).squeeze()
atlas_img[atlas_img > 0] = 1
atlas_nii_bin = nib.Nifti1Image(atlas_img, atlas_nii.affine, atlas_nii.header)
nib.save(atlas_nii_bin, str(dest_atlas).replace('.nii.gz', '_bin.nii.gz'))
# Run cstats_legend
if Path('valid_clusters_tables_and_legend').exists():
legend_args = [
'-p', 'valid_clusters_tables_and_legend',
'-csv', cfg.index.info_csv_path
run_script('cstats_legend', legend_args)
if __name__ == '__main__':