Source code for unravel.core.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Utility functions and decorators for handling configurations, processing files and directories,
and enhancing command-line scripts with progress bars and detailed function execution info.

    - CustomMofNCompleteColumn: Progress bar column for completed/total items.
    - CustomTimeElapsedColumn: Progress bar column for elapsed time in green.
    - CustomTimeRemainingColumn: Progress bar column for remaining time in dark orange.
    - AverageTimePerIterationColumn: Progress bar column for average time per iteration.

    - load_config: Load settings from a config file.
    - get_samples: Get a list of sample directories based on provided parameters.
    - initialize_progress_bar: Initialize a Rich progress bar.
    - verbose_start_msg: Print the start command and time if verbose mode is enabled.
    - verbose_end_msg: Print the end time if verbose mode is enabled.
    - log_command: Decorator to log the command and execution times to a hidden file.
    - print_func_name_args_times: Decorator to print function execution details.
    - load_text_from_file: Load text content from a file.
    - copy_files: Copy specified files from source to target directory.
    - process_files_with_glob: Process files matching a glob pattern using a processing function.

    Import the functions and decorators to enhance your scripts.

    >>> # Import the functions and decorators
    >>> from unravel.core.utils import load_config, get_samples, initialize_progress_bar, print_func_name_args_times, load_text_from_file, copy_files

    >>> # Load the configuration from a file
    >>> config = load_config("path/to/config.ini")

    >>> # Get a list of sample directories
    >>> samples = get_samples(["path/to/dir1", "path/to/dir2"], dir_pattern="sample??", verbose=True)
    >>> # Initialize a progress bar
    >>> progress, task_id = initialize_progress_bar(len(samples), task_message="[red]Processing samples...")


import functools
import shutil
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import threading
import time
from datetime import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from rich import print
from rich.console import Console
from rich.progress import Progress, TextColumn, SpinnerColumn, BarColumn, TimeElapsedColumn, TimeRemainingColumn, MofNCompleteColumn, ProgressColumn
from rich.text import Text

from unravel.core.config import Configuration, Config

# TODO: Also output commands with default args to .verbose_command_log.txt or .command_log.txt. Rename to unravel_command_log.txt

# Configuration loading
[docs] def load_config(config_path): """Load settings from the config file and return a Config object.""" if Path(config_path).exists(): cfg = Config(config_path) else: print(f'\n [red]{config_path} does not exist\n') import sys ; sys.exit() return cfg
# Sample list
[docs] def get_samples(dir_list=None, dir_pattern="sample??", verbose=False): """ Finds and returns paths to directories matching a specified pattern within given directories or, if none are provided, the current working directory. Parameters ---------- dir_list : list of Path or str, or Path or str, optional A list of paths (as Path objects or strings) to sample?? directories or directories that may contain subdirectories matching the `dir_pattern`. dir_pattern : str, optional A pattern to match directory names, default is "sample??", where "?" is a wildcard matching a single character. This pattern is used to identify directories of interest. dir_pattern : str, optional A Unix shell-style wildcard pattern used by `fnmatch` to match directory names. Default is "sample??", where each "?" matches a single character. verbose : bool, optional If True, prints the found directories, grouped by their parent directories. Default is False. Returns ------- samples : list of Path A list of resolved Path objects pointing to directories that match the `dir_pattern`. Notes ----- - If no directories are provided via `dir_list`, the function searches the current working directory. - If a directory (e.g., the current dir) matches the `dir_pattern`, it is included in the results and not searched for subdirectories. Examples -------- >>> sample_paths = get_samples() # Search the current working directory for sample?? directories >>> sample_paths = get_samples([path1, path2], dir_pattern="sample???") # Search path1 and path2 for sample??? directories """ samples = [] if isinstance(dir_list, (str, Path)): dir_list = [Path(dir_list)] if dir_list: for dir_name in dir_list: dir_path = Path(dir_name).resolve() if dir_path.is_dir(): # Check if the provided path itself matches the pattern if fnmatch(, dir_pattern): samples.append(dir_path) else: # Search for subdirectories matching the pattern sample_dirs = sorted([d.resolve() for d in dir_path.iterdir() if d.is_dir() and fnmatch(, dir_pattern)]) samples.extend(sample_dirs) else: print(f"\n [red1]Directory {dir_path} does not exist or is not a directory\n") else: # If the cwd matches the pattern, add it to the list of samples cwd = Path.cwd() if fnmatch(, dir_pattern): samples.append(cwd.resolve()) else: # Search the current working directory for matching dirs cwd_samples = sorted([d.resolve() for d in cwd.iterdir() if d.is_dir() and fnmatch(, dir_pattern)]) samples.extend(cwd_samples) # Final fallback to add the CWD if nothing else was found if not samples: samples.append(cwd.resolve()) if verbose: # Create an ordered list of unique parent directories uniq_parent_dirs = [] for dir_name in dir_list or [Path.cwd()]: dir_path = Path(dir_name).resolve() parent_dir = dir_path.parent if fnmatch(, dir_pattern) else dir_path if parent_dir not in uniq_parent_dirs: uniq_parent_dirs.append(parent_dir) for sample_dir in samples: sample_parent = sample_dir.parent if sample_dir.parent != parent_dir else parent_dir if sample_parent not in uniq_parent_dirs: uniq_parent_dirs.append(sample_parent) # Print the found directories grouped by their parent directories in order uniq_parent_dirs = {sample_dir.parent for sample_dir in samples} # Avoids printing ~ duplicate message when no sample?? dirs are found for parent_dir in uniq_parent_dirs: print(f"\n [bold gold1]get_samples[/]() found these directories in [bright_black bold]{parent_dir}[/]:\n") for sample_dir in samples: if sample_dir.parent == parent_dir: print(f" [bold orange_red1]{}") print() return samples
# Progress bar functions
[docs] class CustomMofNCompleteColumn(MofNCompleteColumn):
[docs] def render(self, task) -> Text: completed = str(task.completed) total = str( return Text(f"{completed}/{total}", style="bright_cyan")
[docs] class CustomTimeElapsedColumn(TimeElapsedColumn):
[docs] def render(self, task) -> Text: time_elapsed = super().render(task) time_elapsed.stylize("green") return time_elapsed
[docs] class CustomTimeRemainingColumn(TimeRemainingColumn):
[docs] def render(self, task) -> Text: time_elapsed = super().render(task) time_elapsed.stylize("dark_orange") return time_elapsed
[docs] class AverageTimePerIterationColumn(ProgressColumn):
[docs] def render(self, task) -> Text: """ Render the average time per iteration. Args: task: An object representing a task, which should have a `speed` attribute. Returns: A Text object displaying the average time per iteration. """ speed = task.speed or 0 if speed > 0: avg_time = f"{1 / speed:.2f}s/iter" else: avg_time = "." return Text(avg_time, style="red1")
[docs] def initialize_progress_bar(num_of_items_to_iterate, task_message="[red]Processing..."): progress = Progress( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), SpinnerColumn(style="bright_magenta"), BarColumn(complete_style="purple3", finished_style="purple"), TextColumn("[bright_blue]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%[progress.percentage]"), CustomMofNCompleteColumn(), CustomTimeElapsedColumn(), TextColumn("[gold1]eta:"), CustomTimeRemainingColumn(), AverageTimePerIterationColumn() ) task_id = progress.add_task(task_message, total=num_of_items_to_iterate) return progress, task_id
# Logging and printing functions console = Console()
[docs] def verbose_start_msg(): """Print the start command and time if verbose mode is enabled.""" if Configuration.verbose: cmd = f"\n{os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])} {' '.join(sys.argv[1:])}" console.print(f"\n\n[bold bright_magenta]{os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])}[/] [purple3]{' '.join(sys.argv[1:])}[/]\n") print(f"\n [bright_blue]Start:[/] {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}\n") return cmd return None
[docs] def verbose_end_msg(): """Print the end time if verbose mode is enabled.""" if Configuration.verbose: end_time = console.print(f"\n\n:mushroom: [bold bright_magenta]{os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])}[/] [purple3]finished[/] [bright_blue]at:[/] {end_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}[gold1]![/][dark_orange]![/][red1]![/] \n") return end_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return None
[docs] def log_command(func): """A decorator for main() to log the command and execution times to a hidden file (.command_log.txt).""" # TODO: avoid logging when -h or --help is used @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): log_file = ".command_log.txt" # Name of the hidden log file # Command string cmd = f"\n{os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])} {' '.join(sys.argv[1:])}" # Log command to file with open(log_file, "a") as file: # Open in append mode file.write(cmd) start_time = file.write(f"\n Start: {start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") result = func(*args, **kwargs) # Call the original function # Always log end time to file with open(log_file, "a") as file: end_time = file.write(f"\n End: {end_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}\n") return result return wrapper
# Function decorator
[docs] def get_dir_name_from_args(args, kwargs): """ This function checks args and kwargs for a file or directory path and returns a string based on the name of the file or directory. """ for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, (str, Path)) and Path(arg).exists(): return Path(arg).resolve().name for kwarg in kwargs.values(): if isinstance(kwarg, (str, Path)) and Path(kwarg).exists(): return Path(kwarg).resolve().name return Path.cwd().name
# Create a thread-local storage for indentation level thread_local_data = threading.local() thread_local_data.indentation_level = 0
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def load_text_from_file(file_path): try: with open(file_path, 'r') as file: return except Exception as e: print(f"[red]Error reading file: {e}[/]") return None
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def copy_files(source_dir, target_dir, filename, sample_path=None, verbose=False): """Copy the specified slices to the target directory. Args: - source_dir (Path): Path to the source directory containing the .tif files. - target_dir (Path): Path to the target directory where the selected slices will be copied. - filename (str): Name of the file to copy. - sample_path (Path): Path to the sample directory (provide to prepend to the filename). - verbose (bool): Increase verbosity.""" src_file = Path(source_dir, filename) if src_file.exists(): if sample_path is not None: dest_file = target_dir / f'{}_{filename}' else: dest_file = target_dir / filename shutil.copy(src_file, dest_file) if verbose: print(f"Copied {src_file} to {dest_file}") else: if verbose: print(f"File {src_file} does not exist and was not copied.")
[docs] def process_files_with_glob(glob_pattern, processing_func, *args, **kwargs): """ Process all files matching a glob pattern using the provided processing function. Parameters: ----------- glob_pattern : str The glob pattern to match files. processing_func : function The function to process each file. Should accept a file path as the first argument. ``*args``, ``**kwargs`` : Additional arguments and keyword arguments to pass to the processing function. """ files = glob(glob_pattern) if not files: print(f"\n [red1]No files found matching the pattern: {glob_pattern}\n") return print(f"\nProcessing {len(files)} files matching the pattern {glob_pattern}:") for file_path in files: print(f"\n {Path(file_path).name}") for file_path in files: file_path = Path(file_path).resolve() processing_func(file_path, *args, **kwargs)