Source code for unravel.image_tools.DoG

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Use ``img_DoG`` from UNRAVEL to apply Difference of Gaussians to a single image.

Difference of Gaussians:
    - Sigma1 and sigma2 are the standard deviations for the first and second Gaussian blurs
    - Simga2 (the larger blur) should be ~ 1.0 to 1.5 times the radius of these features of interest
        - E.g., if nuclei have a radius of ~1.5 to 2.5 pixels, sigma2 might be 1.5 to 3.0
    - Sigma1 (the smaller blur) should be smaller than the size of the features you want to keep, ideally around the size of the noise
        - E.g., if noise is ~1 pixel in size, sigma1 might be 0.5 to 1
    - The ratio of simga2 to sigma1 should ideally be at least 1.5 to 2. This helps ensure that the blurring difference is significant enough to highlight the features of interest.

    - This command is intended to test the DoG method on a single image.
    - 2D DoG is not implemented in vstats_prep. 
    - DoG could be added to vstats_prep in the future if needed. 
    - 3D spatial averaging and 2D rolling ball background subtraction are used in vstats_prep instead.

    img_DoG -i input.tif -g1 1.0 -g2 2.0 [-o output.tif] [-v]

import cv2
import numpy as np
from rich import print
from rich.traceback import install

from unravel.core.help_formatter import RichArgumentParser, SuppressMetavar, SM

from unravel.core.config import Configuration
from unravel.core.utils import log_command, verbose_start_msg, verbose_end_msg

[docs] def parse_args(): parser = RichArgumentParser(formatter_class=SuppressMetavar, add_help=False, docstring=__doc__) reqs = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments') reqs.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='Path to the input TIFF file.', required=True, action=SM) reqs.add_argument('-g1', '--sigma1', help='Sigma for the first Gaussian blur in DoG (targets noise)', default=None, required=True, type=float) reqs.add_argument('-g2', '--sigma2', help='Sigma for the second Gaussian blur in DoG (targets signal).', default=None, required=True, type=float) opts = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments') opts.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Path to save the output TIFF file.', default=None, action=SM) general = parser.add_argument_group('General arguments') general.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. Default: False', action='store_true', default=False) return parser.parse_args()
# TODO: Add support for other image types and 3D images.
[docs] def load_tif(tif_path): '''Load a single tif file using OpenCV and return ndarray.''' img = cv2.imread(tif_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) if img is None: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not load the TIFF file from {tif_path}') return img
[docs] def difference_of_gaussians(img, sigma1, sigma2): '''Subtract one blurred version of the image from another to highlight edges.''' blur1 = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (0, 0), sigma1) blur2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (0, 0), sigma2) dog_img = cv2.subtract(blur1, blur2) return dog_img
[docs] def save_tif(img, output_path): '''Save an image as a tif file.''' cv2.imwrite(output_path, img)
[docs] @log_command def main(): install() args = parse_args() Configuration.verbose = args.verbose verbose_start_msg() # Load the image img = load_tif(args.input) # Apply difference of Gaussians if sigmas are provided img = difference_of_gaussians(img, args.sigma1, args.sigma2) print(f'Applied Difference of Gaussians with sigmas {args.sigma1} and {args.sigma2}.') # Save the processed image output_path = args.output if args.output is not None else args.input.replace('.tif', f'_DoG{args.sigma2}-{args.sigma1}.tif') save_tif(img, output_path) verbose_end_msg()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()