unravel.image_tools.DoG module#

Use img_DoG from UNRAVEL to apply Difference of Gaussians to a single image.

Difference of Gaussians:
  • Sigma1 and sigma2 are the standard deviations for the first and second Gaussian blurs

  • Simga2 (the larger blur) should be ~ 1.0 to 1.5 times the radius of these features of interest
    • E.g., if nuclei have a radius of ~1.5 to 2.5 pixels, sigma2 might be 1.5 to 3.0

  • Sigma1 (the smaller blur) should be smaller than the size of the features you want to keep, ideally around the size of the noise
    • E.g., if noise is ~1 pixel in size, sigma1 might be 0.5 to 1

  • The ratio of simga2 to sigma1 should ideally be at least 1.5 to 2. This helps ensure that the blurring difference is significant enough to highlight the features of interest.


  • This command is intended to test the DoG method on a single image.

  • 2D DoG is not implemented in vstats_prep.

  • DoG could be added to vstats_prep in the future if needed.

  • 3D spatial averaging and 2D rolling ball background subtraction are used in vstats_prep instead.


img_DoG -i input.tif -g1 1.0 -g2 2.0 [-o output.tif] [-v]


Load a single tif file using OpenCV and return ndarray.

unravel.image_tools.DoG.difference_of_gaussians(img, sigma1, sigma2)[source]#

Subtract one blurred version of the image from another to highlight edges.

unravel.image_tools.DoG.save_tif(img, output_path)[source]#

Save an image as a tif file.
