Source code for unravel.core.img_tools

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This module contains functions processing 3D images: 
    - resample: Resample a 3D ndarray.
    - reorient_for_raw_to_nii_conv: Reorient an ndarray for registration or warping to atlas space
    - pixel_classification: Segment tif series with Ilastik.
    - pad: Pad an ndarray by a specified percentage.
    - reorient_ndarray: Reorient a 3D ndarray based on the 3 letter orientation code (using the letters RLAPSI).
    - reorient_ndarray2: Reorient a 3D ndarray based on the 3 letter orientation code (using the letters RLAPSI).
    - rolling_ball_subtraction_opencv_parallel: Subtract background from a 3D ndarray using OpenCV.
    - cluster_IDs: Prints cluster IDs for clusters > minextent voxels.
    - find_bounding_box: Finds the bounding box of all clusters or a specific cluster in a cluster index ndarray and optionally writes to file.

import os
import cv2 
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import subprocess
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from rich import print
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.ndimage import rotate

from unravel.core.img_io import nii_to_ndarray
from unravel.core.utils import print_func_name_args_times

[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def resample(ndarray, xy_res, z_res, target_res, zoom_order=1): """Resample a 3D ndarray Parameters: ndarray: 3D ndarray to resample xy_res: x/y voxel size in microns (for the original image) z_res: z voxel size in microns res: resolution in microns for the resampled image zoom_order: SciPy zoom order for resampling the native image. Default: 1 (bilinear interpolation)""" zf_xy = xy_res / target_res # Zoom factor zf_z = z_res / target_res img_resampled = ndimage.zoom(ndarray, (zf_xy, zf_xy, zf_z), order=zoom_order) return img_resampled
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def resample_nii(nii, target_res, zoom_order): """Resample the input NIfTI image to the target resolution. Parameters: ----------- nii : nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image NIfTI image object to resample. target_res : float Target resolution in micrometers for resampling. zoom_order : int SciPy zoom order. Default: 0 (nearest-neighbor). Use 1 for linear interpolation. Returns: -------- resampled_nii : nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image Resampled NIfTI image object. """ # Load the image data and resample it img = nii_to_ndarray(nii) zooms = nii.header.get_zooms() original_res_in_mm = zooms[0] original_res_in_um = original_res_in_mm * 1000 img_resampled = resample(img, original_res_in_um, original_res_in_um, target_res, zoom_order=zoom_order) # Update the affine matrix affine_ndarray = np.array(nii.affine) new_affine = affine_ndarray.copy() new_affine[0:3, 0:3] *= (target_res / original_res_in_um) # Update the header new_header = nii.header.copy() new_header.set_zooms((target_res, target_res, target_res)) # Create the resampled NIfTI image resampled_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(img_resampled, new_affine, new_header) return resampled_nii
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def reorient_for_raw_to_nii_conv(ndarray): """Reorient resampled ndarray for registration or warping to atlas space (legacy mode mimics MIRACL's tif to .nii.gz conversion)""" img_reoriented = np.einsum('zyx->xzy', ndarray) return np.transpose(img_reoriented, (2, 1, 0))
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def reverse_reorient_for_raw_to_nii_conv(ndarray): """After warping to native space, reorients image to match tissue""" rotated_img = rotate(ndarray, -90, reshape=True, axes=(0, 1)) # Rotate 90 degrees to the right flipped_img = np.fliplr(rotated_img) # Flip horizontally return flipped_img
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def pixel_classification(tif_dir, ilastik_project, output_dir, ilastik_executable=None): """Segment tif series with Ilastik using pixel classification.""" if ilastik_executable is None: print("\n [red1]Ilastik executable path not provided. Please provide the path to the Ilastik executable.\n") return tif_list = sorted(glob(f"{tif_dir}/*.tif")) if not tif_list: print(f"\n [red1]No TIF files found in {tif_dir}.\n") return cmd = [ ilastik_executable, # Path to ilastik executable as a string '--headless', '--project', str(ilastik_project), '--export_source', 'Simple Segmentation', '--output_format', 'tif', '--output_filename_format', f'{str(output_dir)}/{{nickname}}.tif' ] + tif_list print("\n Running Ilastik with command:\n", ' '.join(cmd[:10]), ' '.join(tif_list[:3]), f'[default bold]...\n') result =, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=( == 'nt')) if result.returncode != 0: print("\n Ilastik failed with error:\n", result.stderr) else: print(" Ilastik completed successfully.")
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def pad(ndarray, pad_width=0.15): """Pads ndarray by 15% of voxels on all sides""" pad_factor = 1 + 2 * pad_width pad_width_x = round(((ndarray.shape[0] * pad_factor) - ndarray.shape[0]) / 2) pad_width_y = round(((ndarray.shape[1] * pad_factor) - ndarray.shape[1]) / 2) pad_width_z = round(((ndarray.shape[2] * pad_factor) - ndarray.shape[2]) / 2) return np.pad(ndarray, ((pad_width_x, pad_width_x), (pad_width_y, pad_width_y), (pad_width_z, pad_width_z)), mode='constant')
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def reorient_ndarray(data, orientation_string): """Reorient a 3D ndarray based on the 3 letter orientation code (using the letters RLAPSI). Assumes initial orientation is RAS (NIFTI convention).""" # Orientation reference for RAS system ref_orient = "RAS" # R=Right, A=Anterior, S=Superior (conventional orientation of NIFTI images) # Ensure valid orientation_string if not set(orientation_string).issubset(set(ref_orient + "LIP")): raise ValueError("Invalid orientation code. Must be a 3-letter code consisting of RLAPSI.") if len(orientation_string) != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid orientation code. Must be a 3-letter code consisting of RLAPSI.") # Compute the permutation indices and flips permutation = [ref_orient.index(orient) for orient in orientation_string] flips = [(slice(None, None, -1) if orient in "LIP" else slice(None)) for orient in orientation_string] # Reorient the data using numpy's advanced indexing reoriented_data = data[flips[0], flips[1], flips[2]] reoriented_data = np.transpose(reoriented_data, permutation) return reoriented_data
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def reorient_ndarray2(ndarray, orientation_string): """Reorient a 3D ndarray based on the 3 letter orientation code (using the letters RLAPSI). Assumes initial orientation is RAS (NIFTI convention).""" # Define the anatomical direction mapping. The first letter is the direction of the first axis, etc. direction_map = { 'R': 0, 'L': 0, 'A': 1, 'P': 1, 'I': 2, 'S': 2 } # Define the flip direction flip_map = { 'R': True, 'L': False, 'A': False, 'P': True, 'I': True, 'S': False } # Orientation reference for RAS system ref_orient = "RAS" # Ensure valid orientation_string if not set(orientation_string).issubset(set(ref_orient + "LIP")): raise ValueError("Invalid orientation code. Must be a 3-letter code consisting of RLAPSI.") if len(orientation_string) != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid orientation code. Must be a 3-letter code consisting of RLAPSI.") # Determine new orientation based on the code new_axes_order = [direction_map[c] for c in orientation_string] # Reorder the axes reoriented_volume = np.transpose(ndarray, axes=new_axes_order) # Flip axes as necessary for idx, c in enumerate(orientation_string): if flip_map[c]: reoriented_volume = np.flip(reoriented_volume, axis=idx) return reoriented_volume
####### Rolling ball background subraction #######
[docs] def process_slice(slice, struct_element): """Subtract background from <slice> using OpenCV.""" smoothed_slice = cv2.morphologyEx(slice, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, struct_element) return slice - smoothed_slice
[docs] @print_func_name_args_times() def rolling_ball_subtraction_opencv_parallel(ndarray, radius, threads=8): """Subtract background from <ndarray> using OpenCV. Uses multiple threads to process slices in parallel. Radius is the radius of the rolling ball in pixels. Returns ndarray with background subtracted. """ struct_element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (2*radius+1, 2*radius+1)) # 2D disk bkg_subtracted_img = np.empty_like(ndarray) # Preallocate the result array num_cores = min(len(ndarray), threads) # Number of available CPU cores with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_cores) as executor: # Process slices in parallel # Map the process_slice function to each slice in ndarray and store the result in result. Each process_slice call gets a slice and the struct_element as arguments. # returns an iterator with the results of each process_slice call. The iterator is consumed and the results are stored in result. # ndarray is a list of slices # [struct_element]*len(ndarray) is a list of struct_elements of length len(ndarray) for i, background_subtracted_slice in enumerate(, ndarray, [struct_element]*len(ndarray))): bkg_subtracted_img[i] = background_subtracted_slice return bkg_subtracted_img
[docs] def cluster_IDs(ndarray, min_extent=1, print_IDs=False, print_sizes=False): """Gets unique intensities [and sizes] for regions/clusters > minextent voxels and prints them in a string-separated list. Args: ndarray min_extent (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1. print_IDs (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. print_sizes (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. Returns: list of ints: list of unique intensities """ # Get unique intensities and their counts unique_intensities, counts = np.unique(ndarray[ndarray > 0], return_counts=True) # Filter clusters based on size clusters_above_minextent = [intensity for intensity, count in zip(unique_intensities, counts) if count >= min_extent] # Print cluster IDs for idx, cluster_id in enumerate(clusters_above_minextent): if print_sizes: print(f"ID: {int(cluster_id)}, Size: {counts[idx]}") elif print_IDs: print(int(cluster_id), end=' ') if print_IDs: # Removes trailing % print() clusters = [int(cluster_id) for cluster_id in clusters_above_minextent] return clusters
[docs] def find_bounding_box(ndarray, cluster_ID=None, output_file_path=None): """ Finds the bounding box of all clusters or a specific cluster in a cluster index ndarray and optionally writes to file. Parameters: ndarray: 3D numpy array to search within. cluster_ID (int): Cluster intensity to find bbox for. If None, return bbox for all clusters. output_file_path (str): File path to write the bounding box. """ # Initialize views based on whether we are looking for a specific cluster_ID or any cluster if cluster_ID is not None: # Find indices where ndarray equals cluster_ID for each dimension views = [np.where(ndarray == int(cluster_ID))[i] for i in range(3)] else: # Find indices where ndarray has any value (greater than 0) for each dimension views = [np.any(ndarray, axis=i) for i in range(3)] # Initialize min and max indices min_max_indices = [] # Find min and max indices for each dimension for i, view in enumerate(views): if cluster_ID is not None: indices = views[i] else: indices = np.where(view)[0] # Check if there are any indices found if len(indices) > 0: min_index = int(min(indices)) max_index = int(max(indices) + 1) else: # Handle empty array case by setting min and max to zero min_index = 0 max_index = 0 min_max_indices.append((min_index, max_index)) # Unpack indices for easier referencing xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = [idx for dim in min_max_indices for idx in dim] # Write to file if specified if output_file_path: with open(output_file_path, "w") as file: file.write(f"{xmin}:{xmax}, {ymin}:{ymax}, {zmin}:{zmax}") return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
[docs] def crop(ndarray, bbox: str): """Crop an ndarray to the specified bounding box (xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax)""" # Split the bounding box string into coordinates bbox_coords = bbox.split(',') xmin, xmax = [int(x) for x in bbox_coords[0].split(':')] ymin, ymax = [int(y) for y in bbox_coords[1].split(':')] zmin, zmax = [int(z) for z in bbox_coords[2].split(':')] # Crop and return the ndarray return ndarray[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax]