unravel.core.img_tools module#

This module contains functions processing 3D images:
  • resample: Resample a 3D ndarray.

  • reorient_for_raw_to_nii_conv: Reorient an ndarray for registration or warping to atlas space

  • pixel_classification: Segment tif series with Ilastik.

  • pad: Pad an ndarray by a specified percentage.

  • reorient_ndarray: Reorient a 3D ndarray based on the 3 letter orientation code (using the letters RLAPSI).

  • reorient_ndarray2: Reorient a 3D ndarray based on the 3 letter orientation code (using the letters RLAPSI).

  • rolling_ball_subtraction_opencv_parallel: Subtract background from a 3D ndarray using OpenCV.

  • cluster_IDs: Prints cluster IDs for clusters > minextent voxels.

  • find_bounding_box: Finds the bounding box of all clusters or a specific cluster in a cluster index ndarray and optionally writes to file.

unravel.core.img_tools.resample(ndarray, xy_res, z_res, target_res, zoom_order=1)[source]#

Resample a 3D ndarray

  • ndarray – 3D ndarray to resample

  • xy_res – x/y voxel size in microns (for the original image)

  • z_res – z voxel size in microns

  • res – resolution in microns for the resampled image

  • zoom_order – SciPy zoom order for resampling the native image. Default: 1 (bilinear interpolation)

unravel.core.img_tools.resample_nii(nii, target_res, zoom_order)[source]#

Resample the input NIfTI image to the target resolution.



NIfTI image object to resample.


Target resolution in micrometers for resampling.


SciPy zoom order. Default: 0 (nearest-neighbor). Use 1 for linear interpolation.



Resampled NIfTI image object.


Reorient resampled ndarray for registration or warping to atlas space (legacy mode mimics MIRACL’s tif to .nii.gz conversion)


After warping to native space, reorients image to match tissue

unravel.core.img_tools.pixel_classification(tif_dir, ilastik_project, output_dir, ilastik_executable=None)[source]#

Segment tif series with Ilastik using pixel classification.

unravel.core.img_tools.pad(ndarray, pad_width=0.15)[source]#

Pads ndarray by 15% of voxels on all sides

unravel.core.img_tools.reorient_ndarray(data, orientation_string)[source]#

Reorient a 3D ndarray based on the 3 letter orientation code (using the letters RLAPSI). Assumes initial orientation is RAS (NIFTI convention).

unravel.core.img_tools.reorient_ndarray2(ndarray, orientation_string)[source]#

Reorient a 3D ndarray based on the 3 letter orientation code (using the letters RLAPSI). Assumes initial orientation is RAS (NIFTI convention).

unravel.core.img_tools.process_slice(slice, struct_element)[source]#

Subtract background from <slice> using OpenCV.

unravel.core.img_tools.rolling_ball_subtraction_opencv_parallel(ndarray, radius, threads=8)[source]#

Subtract background from <ndarray> using OpenCV. Uses multiple threads to process slices in parallel. Radius is the radius of the rolling ball in pixels. Returns ndarray with background subtracted.

unravel.core.img_tools.cluster_IDs(ndarray, min_extent=1, print_IDs=False, print_sizes=False)[source]#

Gets unique intensities [and sizes] for regions/clusters > minextent voxels and prints them in a string-separated list.

  • ndarray

  • min_extent (int, optional) – _description_. Defaults to 1.

  • print_IDs (bool, optional) – _description_. Defaults to False.

  • print_sizes (bool, optional) – _description_. Defaults to False.


list of unique intensities

Return type:

list of ints

unravel.core.img_tools.find_bounding_box(ndarray, cluster_ID=None, output_file_path=None)[source]#

Finds the bounding box of all clusters or a specific cluster in a cluster index ndarray and optionally writes to file.

  • ndarray – 3D numpy array to search within.

  • cluster_ID (int) – Cluster intensity to find bbox for. If None, return bbox for all clusters.

  • output_file_path (str) – File path to write the bounding box.

unravel.core.img_tools.crop(ndarray, bbox)[source]#

Crop an ndarray to the specified bounding box (xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax)


bbox (str)