unravel.cluster_stats.brain_model module#
Use cstats_brain_model
) from UNRAVEL to prep an img.nii.gz and RGBA.txt LUT for vizualization in dsi_studio.
- Prereqs:
to generate a valid cluster index.
- Inputs:
input.nii.gz (e.g., a valid cluster index, but can be any binary or labeled image)
- Outputs:
img_ABA.nii.gz (Allen brain atlas labels were applied) or img_ABA_WB.nii.gz if -m was used (WB = Whole Brain)
rgba.txt (RGBA values for each region in the cluster index)
The input image will be binarized and multiplied by the split atlas to apply region IDs.
Split means the left hemisphere region IDs are increased by 20000.
CCFv3-2020_regional_summary.csv is in UNRAVEL/unravel/core/csvs/
It has columns: Region_ID, ID_Path, Region, Abbr, General_Region, R, G, B
Alternatively, use CCFv3-2017_regional_summary.csv or provide a custom CSV with the same columns.
- Next steps:
Use DSI Studio to visualize img_WB.nii.gz with the RGBA values.
cstats_brain_model -i input.nii.gz [-m] [-ax 2] [-s 0] [-sa atlas/atlas_CCFv3_2020_30um_split.nii.gz] [-csv CCFv3-2020_regional_summary.csv] [-v]