unravel.cluster_stats.brain_model module#

Use cstats_brain_model from UNRAVEL to prep an img.nii.gz and RGBA.txt LUT for vizualization in dsi_studio.

  • Use cstats_summary or cstats_index to generate a valid cluster index.

  • input.nii.gz (e.g., a valid cluster index, but can be any binary or labeled image)

  • img_ABA.nii.gz (Allen brain atlas labels were applied) or img_ABA_WB.nii.gz if -m was used (WB = Whole Brain)

  • rgba.txt (RGBA values for each region in the cluster index)


  • The input image will be binarized and multiplied by the split atlas to apply region IDs.

  • Split means the left hemisphere region IDs are increased by 20000.

  • CCFv3-2020_regional_summary.csv is in UNRAVEL/unravel/core/csvs/

  • It has columns: Region_ID, ID_Path, Region, Abbr, General_Region, R, G, B

  • Alternatively, use CCFv3-2017_regional_summary.csv or provide a custom CSV with the same columns.

Next steps:
  • Use DSI Studio to visualize img_WB.nii.gz with the RGBA values.


cstats_brain_model -i input.nii.gz [-m] [-ax 2] [-s 0] [-sa atlas/atlas_CCFv3_2020_30um_split.nii.gz] [-csv CCFv3-2020_regional_summary.csv] [-v]
