unravel.warp.warp module#
Use warp
from UNRAVEL to warp to/from atlas space and registration input space
- Prereq:
This warps padded images in ./reg_outputs (i.e., images that match the padded fixed reg input). For unpadded final images, use
.To make an average template, run reg as usual then follow the usage to inverse warp the autofl images to atlas space.
agg -i ‘atlas_space/tissue_in_atlas_space.nii.gz’ -a -td autofl_CCF30 -d $DIRS
cd autofl_CCF30
avg -o SMM2_autofl_avg.nii.gz
lr_avg -i SMM2_autofl_avg.nii.gz
for d in $DIRS ; do cd $d ; for s in sample?? ; do reg -m path/SMM2_autofl_avg_LRavg.nii.gz -bc -sm 0.4 -ort $(cat $s/parameters/ort.txt) -m2 path/atlas_CCFv3_2020_30um.nii.gz -v -d $s ; done ; done
Usage for forward warping atlas to tissue space:#
warp -m atlas_img.nii.gz -f reg_outputs/autofl_50um_masked_fixed_reg_input.nii.gz -o native_space/atlas_in_tissue_space.nii.gz -inp multiLabel [-ro reg_outputs] [-v]
Usage for inverse warping tissue to atlas space:#
warp -m reg_outputs/autofl_50um_masked_fixed_reg_input.nii.gz -f atlas_img.nii.gz -o atlas_space/tissue_in_atlas_space.nii.gz -inv [–inp bSpline] [-ro reg_outputs] [-v]
- unravel.warp.warp.warp(reg_outputs_path, moving_img_path, fixed_img_path, output_path, inverse, interpol)[source]#
Applies the transformations to an image using ANTsPy.
reg_outputs_path (Path): Path to the reg_outputs folder (contains transformation files) moving_img_path (str): Path to the image to be transformed. fixed_img_path (str): Path to the reference image for applying the transform. output_path (str): Path where the transformed image will be saved. inverse (bool): If True, apply the inverse transformation. Defaults to False. interpol (str): Type of interpolation (e.g., ‘Linear’, ‘NearestNeighbor’, etc.).
If multiLabel interpolation is used, the label values are rounded.
If bSpline interpolation is used, negative values are set to 0.