unravel.image_tools.resample_points module#

Use img_resample_points from UNRAVEL to resample a set of points (coordinates) and optionally convert them to an image, accounting for the number of detections at each voxel.

Input image types:

.czi, .nii.gz, .ome.tif series, .tif series, .h5, .zarr

  • Output image types: .nii.gz, .tif series, .h5, .zarr

  • A CSV file where each row represents a resampled point corresponding to a detection in the 3D image.

  • A 3D image where each voxel contains the number of detections at that location.


img_resample_points -i path/points.csv -ri path/ref_image.nii.gz -cr 3.52 3.52 6 -tr 50 [-co path/resampled_points.csv] [-io path/resampled_image.nii.gz] [-thr 20000 or -uthr 20000] [-v]

unravel.image_tools.resample_points.resample_and_convert_points(points_csv_input_path, current_res, target_res, ref_img, thresh=None, upper_thresh=None)[source]#

Resample a set of points and optionally convert them to an image.



Path to the CSV file containing the points with columns ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, and ‘Region_ID’.

current_restuple of floats or float

The current resolution of the points in micrometers, as (x_res, y_res, z_res) or a single float value for isotropic resampling.

target_restuple of floats or float

The target resolution of the points in micrometers, as (x_res, y_res, z_res) or a single float value for isotropic resampling.


Reference image for the output image shape and resolution.

threshfloat, optional

Exclude region IDs below this threshold (e.g., 20000 to obtain left hemisphere data).

upper_threshfloat, optional

Exclude region IDs above this threshold (e.g., 20000 to obtain right hemisphere data).



The resampled points with columns ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, and ‘Region_ID’

points_resampled_imgnumpy.ndarray or None

The resampled image where each voxel contains the number of detections at that location. Returns None if output_img_path is not provided.
